Hey all, I was wondering if you could name any schools that you know offer mechanical engineering with and aerospace option (this is because I already of many schools with aerospace but not mechanical engineering and I don’t want to limit my options to only schools with aerospace). Much thanks!
UW Madison
@billybobby54 While I commend your effort in trying to find a suitable program with Mechanical and Aerospace engineering, I would suggest that, in the future, you do a little research (Google, Bing, etc) first, come up with a list of options, and then ask the CC audience if you’ve missed any. People will be much more willing to help you if you show that you’ve done some of the work yourself. Best of luck! BTW, take a look at Embry-Riddle in Daytona, FL.
@STEM2017 Well i already came up with an extensive list of aerospace schools and I wanted to see if I could add any schools with aero emphasis mechanical engineering. I tried looking and there were no good lists and I tried googling and all that came up was like University of Kentucky trash. I already know of Johns Hopkins, Vandy, and Duke, but those are all very selective schools so I wanted to see if there were any other options that are a bit more realistic.
I understand. My point is that if you show people the schools you came up with yourself, they will be more willing to give opinions and help add to your list. Keep up the good work.
ok thanks, I have come up with vandy, JHU, and Duke. Since these are all very selective, can anyone please give me any more suggestions for schools with mechanical engineering aerospace emphasis?
@insanedreamer I meant schools that do not have aerospace (or aeronautical for rpi) engineering already
I don’t remember. What is your home state and what can your family afford?
@“Erin’s Dad” I fortunately can afford anything and I live on the East Coast (I dont want to give away my location)
You should take a look at the ABET website. ABET accreditation is the gold standard for engineering programs. You can easily search for ABET accredited aerospace engineering programs, get a list, then search for mechanical engineering and look for overlaps. Here is a link to their search engine. Good luck!
@STEM2017 I dont want mechanical engineering at an aerospace school. I want schools that do not have aerospace but do ave mechanical engineering with aero emphasis
Anyone know of any other schools with mechanical engineering aerospace emphasis?
@“Erin’s Dad” I know that this may seem like a good way, but it does not show some schools like JHU and Duke, which are both very good. I don’t want to miss out on a good college simply because a google search did not direct me to that school
JHU is listed (page 9 when I ran the search). Duke may not be listed yet because the Aero certificate is new.
Well I guess I could use google but I just wanted to see if a could get a more refined search here instead of getting university of Missouri and such but I suppose not
Have you tried under the Engineering Subforum? Way down the man page of the CC forums.