<p>I am having a ton of trouble finding match schools! My test scores are really low, as I've always been a poor tester. Most colleges in my area are not appealing to me and I need help finding colleges with solid academics that are preferably in a urban area. I'm just looking for some matches. I've been looking around but with no results, so I'm pleading for any help I can get :)</p>
<p>Here are some stats, hopefully this will be enough</p>
Class Rank: 1 of 237
OK school in SW Va, hardly send students to any big colleges, at most UVa, Rice, Duke, UNC
GPA: 4.0 UW 4.35 W</p>
V Soccer (1,2,3,4)
Captain of Soccer team (3)
JV Basketball (1)
V Basketball (2,3,4)
SCA Class President (2,3,4)
Honor Society Officer (2,3)
Honor Society President (4)
Travel Soccer since I was 9 and was captain of my team as a Freshman
Marching Band (1)
German Club (1) Secretary (2) VP (3)</p>
All District Soccer (1,2,3)
All Region Soccer HM (3)
2nd All District Science Fair (1)
V Soccer Most Valuable Offensive Player (3)</p>
<p>I have a lot of community service involving Retirement homes and being on committees for school dances. I also tutored a student in pre-calc this past year.</p>
<p>This is where I start to hurt, don't ask me why I can't take a test...
Critical Reading: 610
Math: 530
I've taken AP US History, AP Government, and AP English- got a 3 on the US History, and haven't gotten my other scores yet. I'm planning to take SAT II for math and literature, possibly German.</p>
<p>Next year my schedule is:
AP Biology
AP German
AP English
AP Calculus
AP World History</p>
<p>Basically I just want to go to a good school, I'm not exactly shooting for some Ivies. I'm a little freaked out so any help at all would mean the world to me. Thanks</p>