need help in CR and Writing

<p>hello to all,this is my first post in cc.i don't live in usa.i don't have a lot of money and an international credit card so that i can buy some using internet.but i badly need the real sat questions to practice.i also need some books such as "barron's 2400","rocket review",and other books....i only have the official sat guide and princeton review sat guide.i live in Bangladesh where SAT books are not available and i don't have a credit card to buy from net (pardon my repeating).i have already subscribed the sat question of the day of shall be very grateful to anyone who can help me to get the real questions and books.i know i am asking a lot,but i think you people can help a foreigner eagerly awaiting a good sat score.i have taken the sat twice but not very good are the scores:</p>

<p>first attempt:</p>

<p>critical reading: 480
math: 720
writing: 490</p>

<p>second attempt: </p>

<p>critical reading: 490
math: 760
writing: 550</p>

<p>i am not good at critical reading and writing as u see,i would really like to get any kind of help from you all.i am going to take the SAT for the third time on october 4th and i think it will be my last time as i don't think that i can afford to pay for another sat.ANY HELP you offer will be accepted with appreciation from the bottom of my heart.</p>

<p>thank you all</p>

<p>Gluttony TAHIR</p>

<p>Inconspicuous,thanks for your advices,i shall check out the books.i dont knw how to renumerate u.thanks a lot</p>

<p>ha, that's funny. now you're getting it!</p>

<p>by the way,does BB mean the official sat guide?let me know....</p>

<p>i think i am good at mathematics...if anyone needs help on mthematics i guess i can help.just ask me.try me</p>

<p>thank you people.</p>

<p>BB stands for Blue Book, which is actually the The Official SAT Study Guide.</p>

<p>Can I get in on this too please?? I'm in need of desperate help for CR and writing. </p>

<p>Please save me people!!</p>

<p>A'ight. Writing is easy. Just learn a bunch of grammar rules that are in the blue book (the college board has a chart of all the errors they can test. Amazing? I think so) and practice away, my son. That's the key to writing; learn the rules, apply them, and when you mess up, learn from your mistakes so you don't screw up again.</p>

<p>Reading, hmm. The test is essentially your ability to read. Reading ability can be hindered by a deficient vocabulary which, and I mean this with no offense, is likely since you're a foreign student. So, I would reccomend you spend your time using this three pronged approach: </p>

<li><p>do CR passages; get workbooks, old tests, I don't care who makes 'em, just do practice sections on a daily basis if possible. Look up words you don't know and see if it helps in your comprehension of the passage at all. </p></li>
<li><p>learn words from a standard vocabulary list (I say Princeton Review's hit parade)</p></li>
<li><p>read english language things for fun. Don't try to jump into Dickens or something ulta sophisticated like that -- it'll only deter you from reading. I suggest you find some books on stuff you like? You watch Star Wars? Have a thing for romance? Sci-fi? Buy books in those particular genres! Do you like computer games? Buy computer gaming mags! </p></li>

<p>Point is, you should be reading every day and, more importantly, you should be practicing SAT passages every day. After a while your score just goes up. Your score increase is almost directly proportional to the amount of effort you put in.</p>

<p>Thnx,eassa.i dnt hav much time :( only 74 dayz left.</p>

<p>i am going to practice with PR,kaplan,BB,barons..........i shall use the sat questions in my weekly exams.thank you people for these great helps. :D i was clueless how to start my prep and now i have chalked out a plan... xD.................... :( :S i only have 73 dayz to take prep</p>

<p>some of the posts got cleaned up lolol</p>


<p>yup asian sensation,u r right</p>
