Need help in dealing with my academic record from CSUN in 2008

Hello all, I’m looking for guidance in regards to dealing with my academic recording from CSUN from 2009. I’ll be giving a bit of background information too help you understand my situation and what I would need to do to progress from here.

I graduated from Santa Monica College in 2008 with an AA with Honors in Liberal Arts. I begrudgingly followed the advice of my father and went to CSUN for a History BS (So begrudgingly that he actually did the application for CSUN and CSDH. I wanted to do one more summer semester and complete two more classes to also receive a General Science AA but whatever, this was almost nine years ago.)

The problems started immediately. My father took possession of my car (Again, unrelated family issue.) so my primary method of transportation was now gone. I live in West LA and also worked full time in West LA during my entire time at SMC. To get through school and support myself I would have to work full time pay for school. In taking three 300 level courses my schedule was very tight. One of these classes required I needed to go on campus library on days outside off our class days, which I couldn’t seeing as I would be at work and hour away.

I attempted to drop two of the three classes. I got both professors to sign off on it the day before the automatic, no questions asked drop period passed. I went to the head of the history department to sign it off, and he had left campus early (His office hours were listed numerous places and he had left almost a full three hours early.), per what his attendant had said. I was not permitted to leave the paperwork there for him to sign the next day as I would be at work. The attendant told me any drop classed after that Friday would be up the head of the department to sign off on per talking with me. I came by next Tuesday (Tuesday and Thursdays being my only off days from work and the head wasn’t on the campus on weekends to begin with.) and the head wouldn’t even speak to me and denied my request. Looking back I should have taken my request to the Dean of Students or Dean of Professors or anyone higher than high due to the circumstances.

As I was not able to continue to keep my work and academic life balance I stopped attending midway through the semester as at that point me attending would have yielded the same result. This resulted in two Fs and one B (How I received this B I have no idea.)

Here I am are today, having since gone to the Army and come back, returned to work and looking to finish up my degree. I’ve since abandoned the idea of attaining a degree in History and also do not want to go back to CSUN do to their practices and thus will be applying elsewhere.

My problem is making a game plan from taking this from thought to reality. I know I can’t willingly omit CSUN transcripts (As much as I would love to) as it would be academic fraud. If I could find a way to have the classes retroactively withdrawn (Including the B) I would do that but from talking to CSUN it’s not possible. I would love to find a way to expunge these grades, but I don’t think there’s any forgiveness program or policy.

What all can I do in my situation?

Are the two F’s going to affect where you can apply? I had a similar (grade-wise) rough patch early in my academic career. REALLY bad semester. I started over at Sonoma State and had no problem getting in because my overall GPA was high enough. If you are applying to an impacted program, it might be tough, but I’m willing to bet you have options if your college GPA is above a 2.5 overall. Maybe not “first choice” options, but options nonetheless.

Sorry for the extremely late reply, a change in jobs played havoc on my schedule until now where I’ve gotten things solidified. In time, I’ve decided in time to switch to Economics which is far less impacted. My GPA from community college is 3.4, my CSUN adventure is as noted above.

One person suggested I employ a personal college counselor to help draft a plan. I’m thinking of doing that in hopes of preparing for this.