<p>Hi folks, I have been going to college for quite some time now. I am now 25 and have my associate's degree and have taken some classes towards my bachelor's as well. I was going to "The University of North Florida" for their Information Science degree. However, I am now realizing that I just can't afford to go here anymore, the financial situation has become drastic, and I now need to go to a place that will allow me to both work full-time and go to school part-time. </p>
<p>So I now plan to go back to my old college at "Florida State College at Jacksonville' where I originally got my Associate's Degree. I want to do this because FSCJ offers a lot of night classes and online classes and caters more to the working class like myself. UNF did not cater to the working man at all and it seemed like most of the students there were well off financially and were living off of their parent's dollar. I am a grown man and am not this lucky, so I have to work. </p>
<p>Anyway, FSCJ told me last time that when I went there, that I got an A.A. general education degree when there. I am now trying to get into there B.A.S. degree in information technology with an emphasis in computer networking. However, they require that you get a separate A.S. degree in Information Technology before being accepted into their B.A.S. degree.</p>
<p>The problem is that financial aid refuses to pay for another A.S. degree for me because I guess it would be almost like getting another A.A. degree. However, they will pay for a bachelor's once I get to that level. Also, I am not eligible for private loans from Sally Mae because my credit sucks. They also won't even let me take out federal loans to take out money for these classes. Is there a way that I can repeal this financial aid decision and convince them to pay for this A.S. degree for me? </p>
<p>Another thing that I should mention is that the degree is a "working man's" degree and sets you up for the IT certifications after taking the classes. For that matter, just after taking the Hardware and Software configuration classes I can at least get a help desk job at an IT company and make at least $10 an hour. Really even if financial aid would just pay for another A.S. degree I could probably just pay for my other college expenses out of pocket at that point. Is there a way to convince financial aid of this? </p>