Need Help Please!

<p>I am looking to obtain an Associates in Applied Sciences Degree right now my major is Electronic Engineering Technology and I am taking two classes toward that major called Computer applications and DC Circuit Analysis.</p>

<p>I enjoy Computer applications more than DC Circuit Analysis because I like computers and I just find the lab of DC Circuit Analysis dreadfully boring.</p>

<p>Is there any other major that I can get an Associates in Applied Sciences that would be more interesting for me instead of Electronics. I like Computers alot and want to have a career towards that but there is no way that I am staying in school longer than 1.5 years max. I just can't take it anymore. </p>

<p>There was another major in Computer Information Systems but people were saying that it is more for businesses and you don't really get into computers that much. I am not going to talk to any advisor seem there are pretty useless at my school anyway.</p>

<p>Any Advice?</p>