Need help selecting courses for SR year

<p>Hello all, I am currently a JR attending high school. At the end of this year I expect my weighted GPA to be about 3.45. I know it's not very impressive... so that's why I'm trying to bring alot of it up in sr year. I'd like to note: I'd characterize myself as one of those kids "hard working but not smart." I'd also characterize myself as "well rounded." Anyways I'd like to get a quick opinion on my potential choices for classes next year... here they are</p>

<p>-AP Psychology (I heard its easy if you try and I'm taking reg. Psych right now -and enjoying it I think I can do well)
-AP Environmental Science (Again, I heard this is an easy AP...)
-AP Statistics
-AP Government
-AP Calc AB
-Regular English 12
-Japanese 2 </p>

<p>If I could add couple things as note please let me know. Thank you
PS: I've taken challenging courses so far in my HSyears... (9th grade: 4 honors, 10th: 2 honors, 11th: 2 APs, 1 Hn..)</p>


<p>I wouldn't take APES. It's considered a joke by my friends and from what I've seen it looks like a guilt infused brainwashing class. I remember reading in our school's APES textbook the author saying consumerism is a disease... meh. BUT it's not really good to follow advice based on hearsay so you should check it out for yourself to see if it's a class you'd like. And if you're really dedicated to showing that you're a hard worker, I'd take AP Chem or AP Bio. AP Physics C would be good too but you said you don't consider yourself that smart and it's not a class that you can get by by just doing homework. You have to be good at calculus and be able to wrap your ahead around concepts easily.</p>

<p>A lot of schools do not look well on APES because it is known to be a very easy class.</p>

<p>careful about AP Chem; that could be a very dangerous class to combine with even mild senioritis. I took it as a junior and had to work my a** off to do well. I don't envy anyone taking it as a senior.</p>

<p>yeah APES and AP Stat in my school are blow offs, and colleges know that APES is not as hard as Calc BC or Physics C (dont take C its freakin hard, AP Chem is a bit easier but still one of the harder APs)</p>

<p>I'm taking AP chem this year and I could honestly say it's the hardest class I've ever taken... working my *** off and still not even managing a B... What I really need to do is bring my GPA up and I think Stats and APES is a good opportunity... and I decided that I am NOT taking another science like AP Bio or Physics... got any other suggestions?</p>

<p>By the way, why and how is APES so easy? Is it mostly reading textbooks, notes, quiz/tests but really easy?</p>

<p>you're thinking of taking stat AND calc AB? hmm...maybe you're a math person (unlike me.) why not take calc BC then?
i'd recommend physics b (NOT C) instead of APES. In my school, Physics B is the phun physics - as compared to hardcore Physics C. In B, they toss bowling bolls out the window, push cars, all sorts of stuff. As for the other AP Sciences, APES is generally considered to be the "slacker-AP." AP Chem is a lot of memorization about really abstract things. AP Bio is a ton of memorization about some less abstract things (plus you get to dissect animals in the end!)</p>