Need Help Thinking of Colleges.

<p>My stats:
Grade: High school Junior
GPA: 87.571/ 3.4 ( I think I can get that up to a 90 by graduation)
Princeton Review SAT Diagnostic Scores: 540M 590CR 550W
ECs: Varsity Tennis 10th grade
National Honor Society 11th grade, might get kicked out since I dont have any volunteer hours
Science Honor Society 11th grade
Language Honor Society 11th grade
Race: Black and Puerto Rican</p>

<p>Suggestions anywhere in the US is fine, East Coast/Eastern Midwest is better since I am going to be moving to PA during my senior year of High School.</p>

<p>My dream school is Northeastern, but I cant really think of any schools to fall back on since theres a 90% chance I will be rejected from Northeastern when the time comes. </p>

<p>As you can see I am not active at all during school, I regret that. But its to late now. </p>

<p>Any suggestions? Thanks.</p>

<p>Intended major is either Accounting, Finance or something science related.</p>

<p>How big do you want a school to be? How sports-centered? How much Greek life?</p>

<p>What is it about Northeastern that appeals to you?</p>

<p>Hm, I would like a medium-big sized schools. Sports are important for me to watch, since that seems to go as the college experience for me. Dont really want a big Greek life, since I was never one of the popular kids. </p>

<p>I honestly dont know what draws me to Northeastern. Never even seen it before, I have a feeling when I visit I wont like it as much.</p>

<p>I want a school with lots of school pride, lots of people dorming and not packing up to leave on the weekends. Must have at least some sort of study abroad since I am very interested in doing that.</p>

<p>Any ideas?</p>

<p>i definitely wouldn'r say you're likely to get rejected by northeastern. If you can get your SAT close to a 1200/1800, I'd say it's a very realistic possibility. even with your current scores id say it's reasonable. </p>

<p>perhaps boston university? it has virtually no campus, but depending on how you feel about that, it sounds like something worth exploring. also try UConn (great school spirit and not too big on greek life..i think you have a good shot at getting in).</p>

<p>I don't want to go to a school that doesn't have a campus. But ill check out U CONN. I heard they have a good basketball team so that seems good, get to watch there games. But I also heard there big on parties and I don't know so much about that.</p>

<p>Any other suggestions?</p>

<p>Tymel, some others to possibly consider are Seton Hall, Rutgers, Temple, Pitt, Drexel, Syracuse and St Josephs(PA). They all have good business/sports programs. Best of luck!</p>