<p>Hey everybody!</p>
<p>I'm currently purchasing books to begin studying for the SAT in October, and I read that Direct Hits is one of the most recommended Vocabulary Books out in the market right now. Anyways I just wanted to know, of the two different Direct Hits, which one should I get? </p>
<p>BARNES</a> & NOBLE | Direct Hits Toughest Vocabulary of the SAT: 4th Edition by Direct Hits, Griffith Resources, Inc | Paperback</p>
<p>BARNES</a> & NOBLE | Direct Hits Core Vocabulary of the SAT: 4th Edition by Direct Hits, Griffith Resources, Inc | Paperback</p>
<p>I feel like the vocabulary within the "Toughest" is all in the "Core Vocabulary" but i'm not to sure, any recommendations?</p>
<p>I was wondering the same thing</p>
<p>For Vocab you can just download the Sparknotes 1000 most common SAT words. It’s a bit old but most of the words on the list are accurate. In addition, I think you can just finish practice tests and record the words you don’t know or get wrong (after you finish the test and score it) and then just revise them regularly.
Please check out my thread I’m confused about my score
Help please :)</p>
<p>Toughest Vocab is superior in my opinion; the others were common words.</p>
<p>Get both. Honestly, an extra $9 is worth the ton of words you’ll see on the SAT from the books. I’m speaking from experience: I would have gotten half the sentence completions wrong on the June SAT if it hadn’t been for both the volumes.</p>
<p>^same here, on june with the exception of one question (used POE) i knew all the words, largely due to direct hits vocab.</p>