<p>I need some help and knowledgable advice. Well I am a freshman from NJ and I ran cross country and winter track so far this year. I have a great coach who says he see's alot of talent in me as a runner. He says I can get some big scholarships but he knows that i want to go to the Naval Academy more than anything. So far I have been one of the top freshman runners in New Jersey and he says that by my senior year I can become one of the top runners in the State. This past summer I started playing lacrosse. Since the summer I have been absolutely in love with lacrosse, I taped the Navy vs Syracuse game and have watched it frequently. Lacrosse is a new sport at my school it has been around since last eyar where the team had a lsoing season. My heart is in lacrosse but my pure talents are in running (not that I am not willing ot work as hard as I can to become a good lacrosse player). So here are some of my questions. Does Navy recruit on a big scale? What sport should I do? I would love to play lacrosse at Navy. My running coach says that if I did lacrosse that it would prevent me from being the best runner I can be. Would I even have a chance of getting recruited for lacrosse?</p>
<p>The story gets deeper. Since I have been in 8th grade it has been my dream to go to the Naval Academy. I have read all of Reef Points and the Naval Academy candidate book. However my grades this year haven't been the greatest. I am in all honors courses and have gotten 1 "A" 2 "B's" 3 "C's" for the first marking periord. The second I pulled an F in my best subject which I had previously gotten a B in. These next two marking periods I am going to focus and work to my full academic potential. I have no doubt I can get all A's and few B's the rest of the year. This being said, would it truely help me to become an all state runner and get recruited or can I still pursue my dream of playing lacrosse. My heart truely isn't set on running, my teammates at pratice are what keep me going. I have always wanted to go to the Naval Academy and hvae tow friedns there and I am very confident in my willingness to get in. All adivce is appreciated very much. </p>
<p>Also what other clubs activiteis should I be doing. i do some community service and will start doing more clubs next year. Thank You. BEAT ARMY</p>