need honoest opinion here....

<p>Ok, I am Chinese male.</p>

<p>I am an ELC student.
4.17 W UC GPA</p>

<p>1280 SAT (650M 630V) took twice [First time was 1080, didnt study, lack of sleep, really unpreapared]</p>

<p>Takeing SAT 2s in Dec (probably going to get 600-700 for math2c and writing, however bio is 'iffy' since i took that freshmen year and havnt really preped for it)</p>

<p>Middleclass family, not the best public HS, not the worst</p>

<p>Not too many EC's but I put alot of time into them.
Basketball 3yrs (2 yrs varsity- up to 15-20 hours per week)

<p>Had a job freshmen year.
Volunteered at YMCA for short while ( is it even worth puting my job or volunteer if i didnt do it for all 4 years of highschool/ accumulated enough hours)
Various school academic awards. </p>

<p>Looking at some UCs and CSUs:
UCSC (good bioinformatics program, right?)
UCM (I want to check out the campus to see if its any good)
Cal Poly SLO
SJSU (local safety)</p>

<p>Not too sure on my essays. (if someone would like to revise them for me, just leave an email addy)</p>

<p>PS. Any CA private schools I should apply to with the likelyhood of being accepted?</p>

<p>Also, I only noticed UCB, UCSD, and UCSC offering Bioinformatics. Know if any other campuses including CSUs will offer this? (I am probably going to major in either CS, CE, or Bioinformatics at the respected schools...any opinion on each major)</p>

<p>Thanks for your time (I got to get my apps done before Sat)</p>

<p>Forgot to add that i took/am taking 3 APs and 1 honors
Statistics AP - 3</p>

<p>American Government AP - actually part of Step-to-College program at SJSU so I will recieve college credit if I pass the class and I will receive official SJSU transcript</p>

<p>Took phsyics at SJCC last summer and got an A that counts as 4 units</p>


<p>ne help plz</p>

<p>cmon, nebody plz</p>

<p>ucsd, ucd, uci, and cal poly slo are matches</p>

<p>ucb... goodluck</p>

<p>I'm not really a UC stickler, but I'd say that you're gonna be up against some stiff competition, being a Chinese dude and all. Your GPA looks good, and your dedication to basketball and your job is nice. I do know that the UC's value SAT II scores pretty highly, so prepare for those as well as you can. I'm sure that you'll get into at least one of them; you won't be left hanging out to dry. Now, as for a private Cal school (such as Stanford), it doesn't look like it.</p>

<p>yea thats what i am afradi if since i am not really an underepresented minority</p>

<p>i am not aiming for stanford, jus some other private school options such as santa clara or uop......jus wanna know if there are any other good private schools that match my stats</p>

<p>thanx everyone</p>