Need ideas for keeping your student's important papers organized

<p>I am encouraging my D to set up one of those expandable file folders to keep all important paperwork while she is in school, such as bank info, bookstore receipts (for taxes), registration/schedule info, financial aid, computer info, etc. </p>

<p>Anyone have suggestions for what categories to include? I know alot of it will be stored on her computer, but there are always those stray papers that need to be organized and accessible. Any other ideas are appreciated! Thanks!</p>

<p>Scan them into a paperless file system. You could even have D send a pdf back up to your home and you can store them on disk, thumb drive or even print them out on old fashioned paper.</p>

<p>We went with simplicity … a folder at school for receipts; statements and college info sent to the house where we put them with her other important papers. Unless your D will be staying on-campus year-around, getting summer mail to the right hands can be problematic.</p>