Need opinions re Seton Hall vs. Fairleigh Dickinson & Samford Univ. nursing programs

<p>We are looking for some safety schools with reputable nursing programs In NJ. Seton Hall is ranked #126 nationally [USN & WR] and Fairleigh Dickinson is ranked #79 regional north. Seton Hall is obviously ranked higher so it most be stronger overall academically but what about the strength of the nursing programs for the two schools? We haven't looked at the NYCLEX scores for both schools yet but that can be deceptive because many of the highest ranked schools took big dips in 2013 with the new NYCLEX exam. Also, we are looking for any info. regarding the nursing program at Samford Univ. in Alabama [ranked #3 - regional south]. Thank you for any info you have.</p>

@blueskyforever Seton Hall is only 20 minutes from my house and its a really nice school. I visited it during the summer and although the area isn’t the nicest, Seton Hall was my #1 choice. The price is high, but they give good scholarships. It’s one of the more diverse campuses and I loved the whole layout of the campus. The cafeteria literally had everything you could ever want to eat!!! Also, they have a Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts in/near the library. I didn’t get to see the dorms because kids had already moved in, but I’m sure they’re decent since the school is so expensive. Seton Hall’s 2012 NCLEX passing rate was around 71%, which is not good. They also recently increased their passing grade (I think it’s a 76% now? not sure) so the students have to try harder now. I’ve searched twitter to see what the students are saying about the nursing program, and Seton Hall nursing tweets are usually negative. I suggest you do the same to see all the complaints. I was waitlisted with a 3.5 GPA and 990 SAT score (I know it’s low), and I’m not sure whats happening with that. It’s a great school but I don’t know if it’s worth the money?

As for FDU, I didn’t get in because I had a 990 instead of 1000 for the CR + M on the SAT. I’m still trying to get in though, because I’ve heard positive things about the campus and the program. The fact that NYC is close is definitely a plus (for me at least). I know that you can’t rely 100% on this but FDU students were saying pretty positive things on twitter. I’m not sure what the 2013 NCLEX pass rate for the Metro campus is and neither did the admissions counselor I emailed, but the 2012 one was 67% (found online). I think FDU would be cheaper, but that depends on scholarships and aid.

I don’t really know which one is better, it’s kinda tough to decide. Seton Hall had better 2012 NCLEX rates, but those definitely have changed with the new exam. I didn’t visit FDU yet so I don’t know which campus is better either. Maybe go visit and ask them about the nursing program? I prefer talking to the students themselves, so see if you can do that.

You’re definitely right about the NCLEX pass rates dropping drastically in 2013. I was accepted at Holy Family University and they used to have the 2nd highest first time pass rate in Philadelphia, PA (right behind UPenn, which is Ivy League). However, it dropped from 92.51% to 76.45%. I think a lot of the schools are going to add a NCLEX review class now to do better next year. I got an email about HFU doing that, so hopefully things improve!