FDU Nursing Metropolitan vs. Florham?

I am a senior that is currently living in southern NJ and I was wondering which campus is, I guess, “better” in your opinion: the Metropolitan in Teaneck, NJ or the Florham in Madison, NJ. I am planning to apply to their nursing school and just received in the mail that I am a “Priority Admissions Applicant”.
So, for their school of nursing, which campus is better?
I am going to dorm so how many of the students commute/dorm at each of the campuses?
I am also an Asian female so how is the diversity among the student body?
I have not visited there yet (and I will soon) but if you know, how is the campus overall?
What type of feeling do you get from there? Busy kind of like a city or calm and quiet like the suburbs?

Also, does anyone know their NCLEX passing rates? I know that the test changed in 2013 and that made a lot of scores from all over the country go down but recently, how are their passing rates?

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this!! Please help…