Need recent info for National Hispanic Scholars 2016 graduates

Which schools offer the best scholarships? The last postings were from 2009.

Other than the HYPS Ivies, our experience was that most schools don’t offer much in scholarships to NHRP. The College Board makes a “notation” and you begin to receive invitations to schools, way out yonder, that need a diverse student body.

The Hispanic Scholarship Fund has a separate website and application, that does offer significant money to students through big corporations and individuals, but the majority of those scholarships are need based.

They do have some that are merit-based, but unfortunately preference for those scholarships also goes to need-based applicants.

Our three children tried to receive funds from the merit applications, but no child received a dime.

We did receive a letter indicating that “although our son’s stats and resume were exemplary, given that funding was limited this year, the scholarship was awarded to an applicant in need.”

Our middle D qualified for a merit scholarship, but the funds were “exhausted”; a month later she received an email stating that she needed to “send in an enrollment confirmation from her university’s registrar” to receive a stipend of $100 to $300 since she was originally chosen as a winner. Our daughter immediately faxed in the forms and signatures from her school’s FA office and the registrar’s office. Yet again, the “response” was tremendous for the stipends so funds were immediately exhausted such that they were not in the position to award my daughter the $100 stipend. Given the hoops that all three of my children had to jump through to ask for $100, I told them to not even attempt to go through the HSF ever again, since funding would never materialize for them because my DH and I both work.

If you have a very limited income, and are on public assistance, then you probably have a good shot at the HSF funds.

Same thing happened to us auntbee, however, a few years ago he did get something when I was unemployed. HSF received over 135k applications this year, so he was waitlisted because priority goes to Pells. The email said that although funds were waitlisted for him, however, that he has all of the benefits and everything that goes along with being a scholar. I guess that may mean internship ops or access to other of their programs.

@kpick512 Unfortunately somebody needs to go back and update the info…

I think Arizona State

The old list from 2009 is still a great starting point. You’ll still have to go to each school’s site and check out the updated scholarship information, as it changes from year to year. I recommend taking a careful look at the requirements to keep the scholarship. Obviously, a 3.0 GPA provides more wiggle room than a 3.5 GPA.

I believe University of Tulsa still gives the same scholarship to NHRP that it gives to NMSF.

My daughter received full tuition and fees from ASU starting the 2014-2015 school year. She’s receiving it this school year, also, and will continue to receive it unless she doesn’t maintain the required GPA. Good luck!

Are you saying that some Ivies give extra money to NHRP. I thought all Ivies were need based only. We will qualify for some aid, but not a full tuition.

@COSpgsparent , approx when did you receive word from ASU about the scholarship? Did they reach out to you, or did you apply first? Did any of the other commonly mentioned schools (e.g. UA, UNL, etc) reach out to you first?


The Ivies do not give extra aid/financial scholarship for NHRP. It is all need based at the Ivies.

University of Evansville, Indiana gives full tuition for NHS. Daughter received the postcard yesterday. Scroll down to the National Merit.

“National Merit Finalist, National Achievement Finalist, and National Hispanic Scholar Awards – (Full-tuition) Students receiving these distinctions will receive a supplemental UE scholarship, bringing total of UE awards to a value worth full-tuition.”

I am the author of the detailed post about scholarships for NHRP back in 2009. Since I don’t have a current applicant, I don’t received mailings about current scholarship offerings. I do know some of the scholarships from my original list are no longer offered, however there still are plenty of great scholarships for NHRP. I suggest you always ask the college admissions office. Some colleges don’t advertise them (like Purdue), but the money is there. Also ask about diversity fly-ins for NHRP. Both of my children received some great fly-in opportunities for NHRP, again not really advertised, so be sure to ask about those type of benefits.

If any of you received mailings or other information about NHRP offerings for current seniors, be sure to post it here. I may have some time later this year to do the new research, but if you can post what you know here that would be appreciated and help many students.

Good luck,

I am a current 2016 recipient of the Nation Hispanic Recognition program award. The best way to find out what colleges offer money for NHRP is by googling the 1) Name of the college + 2) “national hispanic recognition” or something along the lines of that.

Some of the schools that I know offer money off the top of my head, from my own research, is:
Boston University(20k a year)
Northeastern University(30k the first year and then 15k per semester)
Purdue University(1k a year)
Texas A&M(14 k over 4 years)

and I’ve heard that University of Arizona and Arizona State have offered full rides, but I don’t see anything specific on their websites. Arizona State says “amounts vary”. I know that my brothers were offered full rides to Arizona State and I expect something similar in the mail in the near future, but I’m not sure if it’s still a full ride.

After 2009, many scholarships were dropped or decreased.

University of Central Florida

University of Nebraska - Lincoln

Florida International University

University of Arkansas

It says national merit or national achievement. So, probably includes NHRP, but I haven’t called to confirm.

Pacific Union College

University of Alabama - Huntsville