Hi everybody, Im 20 years old and I currently work for a company that does welding, fabrication, and maintenance. I have only been with this company for about two months but I am really wanting to find another job, either in something similar or maybe a completely different field. The reason for me wanting to leave this company is because the pay tends to be pretty low and the hours are very long.
I really dont see my future going anywhere with this company although I dont plan on quiting any time soon. I would really love a 40 hour work week at a company that pays good.
I want to go to college and get a degree but I wouldn’t know what to major in. I also dont know when I would even have time to attend or how I would pay for it.
As far as my educational background goes I went to a technical school and completed a one year welding program. Most of the class was spent welding in the shop but we also had alot of classwork. We had to study every night and we had at least two tests a day. I made the highest grade in my class and I was very highly recommended by my teacher to the company I am working for now.
Unfortunately though when I was in high school I made very poor grades because I didnt care or try hard. I never studied or did homework and I barely did my classwork. I graduated with a 2.3 GPA, I did however excel in history. Even without studying I made straight A’s and I made the highest grade in the whole school on one of my history final exams. I have also always been an above average reader.
So I guess my question is this
- What should I go to college for? I really have know clue what I would want to get a degree in.
- What fields are currently in demand and what jobs pay good money? I would like to make 75k or more, even if not right away, some point in my career. I would like to make that much money without working over 40 hours.
- How long does it take to get a degree? I guess I wouldnt want to be in school longer than two years if possible.
- Is it even possible to go to school working 60 hours a week?
- How much would this cost and are there any scholarships or grants I could get that would allow me to go for little or no money?
Any input is greatly appreciated. Feel free to include any additional information that I may have forgotten to ask about, and also your welcome to ask me any questions you need to help answer this.Thanks.