<p>Hey CCers!
I'm currently in a bit of a bind at the moment. I have an 88% GPA with a 26 ACT and I'm in the middle of making my last minute college wishlist. Problem is I really don't know if the Universities I'm looking at accept people with my stats.</p>
<p>I want to be a political science major with a journalism minor, and currently I have my eyes set on the following schools:
<strong>Northwestern University & U Chicago</strong> (Both are DREAMS. I've wanted to attend these schools ever since I figured out I wanted to get into politics and Journalism. However, I'm considering not applying just because of the prestige of both schools)
Penn State
U Conn
Other Information:
-African American Male
-Go to a competitive small charter school in Pa(No rankings)
-ECs are respectable..I've founded a few clubs, and I'm president of a United Way Organization..did a TON of community service..etc..
With that said, where else should I apply, and are the schools I listed impossible for me to get into?
I would love some help..I really want to get into a great school that will accommodate my interests well. (Time is most definitely ticking!!)</p>