Need some help reducing stress

<p>Hello. It seems most "chance me" on college confidential is from people I would consider genius but I need a bit of chance me as well to help lessen my worries in the coming months. </p>

<p>3.3 weighted gpa 1190/1600 SAT, really strong curriculum (all IB and 1 AP junior/senior year), have been living in usa for 5 years and am really committed to helping family along with a few other extra curriculars. </p>

<p>applying to:
Towson University
Salisbury University
St. Mary's College of Maryland
Goucher College
Frostburg state university</p>

<p>I am still looking for 2 more colleges to apply to so any suggestions to where I should look will be helpful.</p>

<p>UMBC- Reach
Towson University- Match
Salisbury University- Reach
St. Mary’s College of Maryland- Reach
Goucher College- Low Reach
Frostburg State University- Safety
I would suggest Bryant University, as well as Clark University (don’t submit test scores). Drew University, Dickinson (Go Test Optional). Try Penn State as well as a super reach.</p>

<p>UMBC and Salibury is like top choices and they are reach? Aww man. And thanks I will look into those.</p>