<p>I have applied to Maryland-CP, TCNJ, UDel, NYU, UNC-Chapel Hill, and Ohio State for a major in international business. I have also applied to UPenn CAS for a major in Economics.</p>
White male from NJ</p>
<p>GPA 3.5 UW 4.7 W
Top 25% of class
ACT supescored: 31 with my Math/English converting to a 1440/1600 on the SAT
Subject tests: 760 - Math II and a 650 - Physics
7 honors/APs</p>
<p>3 sport Varsity athlete for 4 years (captain of all 3 my senior year)
Knowledge Bowl - we have won alot of tournaments
Duke Econ Program in China in the summer
Had a job at a sporting goods store
70 hours of community service</p>
<p>Wrote my essays about being disabled
I have a few connections to UPenn</p>
<p>Please let me know what you think my admissions decisions will be! Thanks!</p>