Need some safety schools please [3.77 GPA, 1460 SAT, tri-state area for Engineering]

Entrance for Purdue’s engineering program is harder than entrance to the college on the whole. @momofboiler1 might have a working link to the data digest.


This might help…

From that page:

What is the acceptance rate for Purdue Engineering?

The acceptance rate for new-beginner First-Year Engineering students for Fall 2022 was approximately 37%. The average acceptance rate over the last 5 years was approximately 47%.


What are average grades and test scores of students admitted to Purdue Engineering?

Here is the academic profile for students admitted to our First-Year Engineering program in Fall 2022:

Fall 2022 Admitted Student Academic Profile||Average|Middle 50% Range|
| ----------------- | — | — ------- |
|GPA (unweighted)|3.80|3.60 - 4.00|
|ACT Composite |32 |31 - 35 |
|SAT Composite |1444|1380 - 1520|

Note that these stats are for Fall 2022, so will be higher in '23 and '24.

Purdue may make the list but OPs first sentence is “Need some safety schools for DD.”

That is not Purdue.

It could make the list of apps - likely more a low reach.


Yes, that’s what I cautioned in post #14.
Same with UMD.

Both worth considering but neither is a safety.


I just clicked on it, and it opened for me.

As a bit of Purdue info, our out-of-state high school usually sends about 6-7 boys to Purdue each year. All 33 plus ACT, 4.0, all have taken BC and around 12 AP’s…but then for class of 2023 the Purdue entry was not as easy. We had NMF kids with 4.0 and high rigor getting waitlisted.


Many larger universities admit by division or major. At the more popular and selective state flagships, the engineering division or engineering majors are often among the more selective admission buckets, due to the surplus of applicants both capable of and interested in doing an engineering major, compared to the engineering departments’ capacities.


Take a serious look at Virginia Tech. Checks all the boxes for your DD’s requirements. We are also in NJ and every year our public HS does well with VT acceptance & enrollment but you will need to apply EA; they will be pretty much filled by the time RD rolls around. Always hear good reports from Hokie families and our visit confirmed as much.


Arguably the nicest campus in America (my opinion)and considered a top 5 for food, which many overlook but I can tell you from the # of times kids get low blood sugar, in part because the school food is gross - is heavily overlooked. UMASS another renowned for food. My co worker said it’s better than any restaurants she has in Phoenix - maybe a bit if a stretch but high praise nonetheless.

Agree that Purdue is not a safety. Might be a match, but it’s a tough admit for OOS.

Do you have a budget?

Agree with looking at Virginia Tech for engineering. That’s probably a match, but not a safety. I’ve seen kids with better stats rejected and kids with worse stats get in, this seems to be comfortably in the range though. My son is a freshman there, and only 3 days in but loves it.

My son had a 3.7 UW GPA, 1430 SAT - and I can tell you the engineering programs he got into before he had to withdraw b/c of his ED at Virginia Tech.

Colorado School of Mines (some merit but still very expensive, ended up being like $55K per year or something like that)
Worcester Polytechnic Institute (some merit but also very expensive, upper $40s I think)
Michigan State University – very good merit, COA would be like upper 30’s for out of state after merit
Arizona State University – also very good merit, COA was around mid- to upper 30’s as well for OOS

Did not hear back from his reaches before he had to withdraw b/c of ED commitment (UVA and Purdue)

Both ASU and MSU were rolling admissions so we got notification early. He would have been happy to go to either of those. He really liked the engineering department and ASU, and the Barrett’s Honors College seemed really nice as well.


Forgot about VCU. That was another safety with some merit money (about $6K/year and in-state tuition).

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I read this as they don’t need to have a budget. Some folks are fortunate to have enough saved to cover all college costs at any college. Crazy unbelievable to me, but there are lots who can. If that is not what OP intended, I agree with you.

I think the OP needs to clarify their budget. I read it as they has no budget in mind…not that their budget was unlimited.

OP wrote this - it doesn’t mean it’s the budget, but I’d take it to mean they’re potentially willing to fund anything.

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