My 5 yo granddaughter can tell us. Our 2 yo grandson would eat berries all day if we let him. They love fresh (raw) English peas (I turned them into those) particularly in the pod, but they are hard to find.
If he eats mostly berries for a few days he will also live!! . Hopefully the 5 year old can influence the 2 yr old!
I would like these items for my meals please.
You might want to check Trader Joe’s. Ours always has some peas (fresh, not frozen) in their produce section. No pods to deal with!
You can just put the frozen peas right in and stir for a few minutes. I did this often.
“Eggy burritos” were always a favorite. Scrambled eggs rolled up in a tortilla with a bit of cheese, and salsa if they like it. That was many a “fridge is empty” lunch or dinner, served with fruit, veg, or frozen peas in a bowl even.
If they eat avocado, that’s always good. Hummus with crackers. Chopped up fruit and veg is always an option. Cereal for dinner, why not!
I’m sorry about the emergency. Thinking of your family.
That’s a funny typo!
@jym626 When my D was little she loved peanut butter with banana and peanut butter with raisin sandwiches.
I often made plain yogurt with banana slices and a drizzle of honey.
Carrot sticks with peanut butter to dip was always a goodie.
She was a fan of perogie as well - I’d just boil them from frozen and stir fry mushrooms, carrots and peas with a bit of soy/teriyaki sauce.
Over medium eggs with English muffin was a dinner staple for us.
She was a “good” eater, enjoying healthier items vs chicken nuggets & burgers.
Sending lots of love to you and your family during this incredibly difficult time in your lives.
well, they do pee (not pea) but I turned them onto those !
When we were at the Santa fe farmers market and somehow ended up in 3 separate groups, they sold a lot of fresh english peas. All 3 groups came back with a big bag of peas!!!
Buckwheat, is the healthiest food ever. I adore it, but my kid who served in PC Ukraine still refuses to eat it. I was told to eat it when pregnant, as the rutin in it helps prevent varicose veins.
Pizza bagels. Bagel halves under the broiler, topped with jarred pizza sauce, or pesto, mozzarella and whatever topping they like.
Quesadillas. Add chicken, canned black beans, taco meat, guac, tomatoes, spinach leaves as desired.
For the one who doesn’t like meat, see if they like tofu. A 5 year old can cut mushrooms and tofu in cubes with a butter knife, then stir fry. Try some of the TJs meatless entrees. Like veggie corn dogs, or vegetarian sausage.
If peas are a hit, add them frozen to mac and cheese, pasta salad, fried rice.
Weelicious has been a great source forever.
scrambled eggs
mac and cheese
raw fruit and veggies
cheese, grilled cheese
PB assuming they’ve been eating it already
rice, fried rice with veggies
quesidillas (sp?)
Since it seems there is a big disruption in their lives, I wouldn’t sweat it. Kraft Mac and Cheese to the rescue.
First off, huge hugs to you and your family.
I have made these for my grandson and they are a hit with him and the adults (I substitute plain Greek yogurt for the sour cream and use scallions instead of chives). I have used both ground chicken and ground turkey - honeslty, I can’t tell the difference.
If you can’t find edemame, sugar snap peas (not snow peas) are a good substitute. They are great raw. I get them at Trader Joe’s or Wegmans. I don’t think there are Wegmans out there. You can trim the ends and pull the side seam string off if you want.
Quesadilla, hot dogs, mac & cheese. The kids may sense that the adults are upset and tense, so I’d go with comfort foods and as long as they’re fed, it’s fine. Veggies and fruit are good grab and go munchies for the adults, too.
I’m glad you’re able to be there for the family.
Gonna make a list of all these ideas on the airplane! Thanks. Wish me luck!
Lots of edamame out there!
Loads of good ideas! I’ll add apple slices with peanut butter as a possible lunch (My D says that GD2 is basically made of pasta, or starch in general, so anything he’ll eat that gives him fiber and protein is a win.)
Sending hugs to you and your family.
Didn’t read everything, but I don’t think anybody mentioned chicken nuggets (you can get healthy versions), just microwave and serve (no utensils required). Even kids who don’t like meat might go for these.
I think they do almond butter, but that will work . Thanks all!