<p>I spend quite a bit of my time on FreeRice.com, and I was thinking it might be worth something if I mention it in my application. But there's no way I can think of, that the guys at admissions can possibly verify any figure i give them, my current donation total is about 260-270 thousand..
For that matter, even the number of hours and weeks we list in the application. In some cases, there's no way to verify the data, so how does that process of evaluation work for them??
Just curious. =)</p>
<p>I think they basically assume you’re not lying to them unless there is evidence to the contrary – there’s not much else they can do, given the volume of applications.</p>
<p>Oh ok. Thanks for answering.</p>
<p>Wow, that is very interesting. I’ve made it to 11k before but then I stopped. 270k is impressive!</p>
<p>Dude, your donation totals are amazing. My sister has a current total of 245K.</p>
<p>Hmm, I just do it in between things, while checking mail, while playing facebook-poker, TV commercial breaks etc. It just adds up =)</p>
<p>You’re really from dubai??</p>
<p>I live in Dubai, but I’m not Emarati, I’m Indian…</p>