<p>Ok, so there are a set of sites called freebie sites and u earn $ by either doing something yourself or getting other ppl to join and do something.</p>
<p>Well I got $1900 in 4 months.
It took a lot of smart internet marketing.</p>
<p>I am seriously thinking about putting that in the extracurricular/hobby part of the common app. but 1 of my friends says I will look like liar and they wouldn't believe it. But I feel really accomplished. Proof isnt an issue, but im scared what their perception of me might be. They might think im some sort of spammer or something.</p>
<p>Do you think it would effect me negatively? If you were in my position would you put it down?
If so how would you phrase it.</p>
<p>honestly, it shudnt affect u negatively, and will not, i believe. if i were u i'd put it down and fully explain it, together with my "accomplishments".and plus, u can prove it, rt?</p>
<p>See its ignorant people like that that makes me rethink it.
its not a pyramid scheme because those are illegal,
and what i do is through a legal legit company.</p>
<p>then again they, admission officers, are more educated than a random online person</p>
<p>once again i have proof..believing it isnt an issue.
I am not here to prove to you if its real or not. I dont care what your opinion of it is, i just want to know what they might think about me.</p>
<p>^ Pyn's opinion may very well be the same as that of the adcom who reads your app. Honestly, the way you describe it [get $ by getting other people to join] really sounds like a Pyramid scheme. If you're confident it's not, then you should probably explain it in greater detail. Right now it sounds kind of shady to me.</p>
<p>I don't know how I would phrase it, because I don't really know what it is :)</p>
<p>hmm i see.
well its not mandatory to get others to join.
You do things yourself too.</p>
<p>Ill just leave out the part about about getting others to join.
Its not like its based all on getting others to join, so yeah thats what i might do</p>
<p>Once again it I dont care about your opinion on what it is, but...</p>
<p>Do you guys realize what a pyramid scheme is?
Do you also relize its illegal?</p>
<p>Maybe i should have mentioned that the company is u.s. based and has been running for 4 years and has a good rating with the BBB (and if u sont know who the bbb is u shouldnt be making any accusations )</p>
<p>All you guys are retarded these things are not pyramid schemes ive personally earned upwards of $1500 an xbox 360 and a wii myself doing these kinds of sites (you just need to know which sites are good, a good forum for this is anything4free.com). Its called affiliate advertising look it up ok. I'd think itd be fine as long as you define it properly , just say through particiapation in numerous affiliate advertising programs you were able to earn such and such dollars.</p>
<p>yay somone who knows 1 of these sites are true and knows a good one
<p>i didnt want to mention any because it will make me seem like im promoting them.</p>
<p>But college students are the people who mostly do these sites, so i think they might actually be familiar with it.
Anyway is i do plan to put it on i will learn from this and make sure they know its not a pyramid scheme</p>