Need to rush scores?

<p>Do colleges need SAT/ACT score reports at the same time that the application is due? My closest due date is January 1 for Northwestern, and I unfortunately forgot all about sending scores until just now. Do I need to rush more scores or do they only use reports to verify what you put on your application, meaning they can be late?</p>


<p>p.s. actually i just realized that i sent in my UC applications already, and they were due november 30th...</p>

<p>uhm yeah, what about in that situation?</p>

<p>ok so i just asked a friend and now i understand that there are seperate deadlines for test scores.</p>

<p>however, collegeboard says scores are sent "within three to five weeks"... and northwesterns test score deadline is january 15..... and ucsd's is december 31..... i guess this means i have to rush?</p>