<p>I've just completed my 1st year at a top 130 University. I did not receive any scholarships, and have held 2 jobs for the last year trying to keep up with my educational expenses. This schedule has not drastically affected my grades, as I have kept up a 3.89 GPA but I routinely stay up till 1 studying, and it's really worn me out. I will soon start preparing for the MCAT, and will have to take time out to do so, because I cannot work 30 hours a week, while attending school, and studying for the MCAT, and when I don't work, I can't pay my fees.</p>
<p>So, it would be amazing if I could find a way out of this, it really would. I was wondering if there are any universities (regardless of rank) that accept high achieving transfer students and give them big scholarships.</p>
<p>I'm just really looking for a way out. Any help is greatly appreciated.</p>