Need transfer advice

<p>Whats a better option.... USC marshall or UPenn Econ/Poli sci.</p>

<p>In addition, could I delay my acceptance for a year and then enter as a Junior...</p>


<p>I would definantly go to UPenn, even though USC Marshall is really good too. It also depends on what major you really feel comfortable with.</p>

<p>Well, does UPenn basically have national recognition? People say that Marshall is the best for the job market in California but would Upenn have just as much clout? In addition, would an econ/poli sci major get paid more than a Marshall graduate?</p>

<p>Also, is the difficulty of UPenn worth it compared to USC? Almost all of my units transfer and my GPA would be roughly a 3.8. Whereas, my GPA at UPenn would essentially start over and I would probably get a 3.1. For professional schools, will they notice that UPenn is that much harder?</p>


<p>Of course Penn has national recognition, its an Ivy. But for California in particular, especially socal, Marshall’s alumni network is superb and you will probably have an easier time landing a finance related job going to USC.</p>

<p>The academics at Penn and USC are probably comparable, and certainly not a 0.7 difference in anticipated GPA. Also, your 3.8 GPA won’t transfer over, only your credits</p>