
<p>I know this may seem amateurish and unecessary, but I'm a first year student...bare with me.</p>

<p>I'm starting my first semester of basic physics with a lab and am beginning to question myself and becoming nervous. I've yet to have any labs, or any experience with physics. How are the labs? difficult? Any suggestions for doing well in physics specifically, as well as the lab? Thanks for any comments or advice you can give me.</p>

<p>Yea, do not let your mind leave that classroom for 1 single second!</p>

<p>1 second will seriously screw you up for the rest of the year. Physics is all about building on topics you learned before. Its not tough you understand basic concepts and principles. </p>

<p>As for lab, lab wont be too difficult, just make sure you can write a report that is up to part with the professor's expectations.</p>

<p>But main thing, pay attention and take really detailed notes.</p>