nervous...calm my nerves please !

<p>well, its looking i might be heading into madison next year, through process of elimination (I dont like Va Tech, OSU, Penn St, Maryland). but the thing is, ive never been! theres really no way for me to get to UW before May 1. Now, unless I get into Michigan (then i'll have to decide) I'll most likely go to UW. Is this bad? I know that Wisconsin is almost identical to Michigan (which i have visited many times) as far as sports and a little better in the social aspect of things, but other than that I don't feel like a have a good grasp on what it's like in Madison. Does anyone have any suggestions (besides going) as to what I should do? My friend visited and told me I'd love it. Is it safe just to go by what she said? I am really into my studies, but I also have a wild party side to me, and I am alll about the athletics. I know it's not the greatest thing that the first time i see campus might be on move-in day. So I suppose im really looking for some consolation here. I really wish I could go and see it for myself, but it's really not possible. what can i do?</p>

<p>A lot of people don't visit schools before they commit. You're not in a huge minority here. From what you're talking about you personality wise, your the same as me, with the sports and the partying and the studying, and Madison is you. It's the same as Ann Arbor, but they have a capital building. And you don't have half the nerds at UW that you do at UM, you don't have half as much stuck up Ivy rejects, but you don't have as much diversity. You can also go online and look at campus pictures, take virtual tours. You could drive if you don't want to fly, it's 7 hours from Ann Arbor, although my brother made it in 6, lol.</p>

<p>As far as what you described, it sounds like you'd really like UW. The academics are good and highly rated, but the wild party side, and big time D1 sports are definitely there as well. It won't be that much different than Michigan and you'll definitely have fun. Madison is an awesome city as well. In places Madison has a sorta eclectic funky vibe to it, like a college town should, and its also got all the ammentities of a decent sized city.</p>

<p>A2wolves, a little sour from ur umich deferral, are you?</p>

<p>Actually he is pretty accurate IMHO.</p>

<p>I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be bashing UMich if he had gotten in there. Also, I bet that if he does end up getting into Umich, he'll go there over wisconsin.</p>

<p>pretty sure ccrunner gets on my nerves...o welL!</p>

<p>I am sour, but my intention in that post wasn't to bash Michigan. It's just the truth. Michigan is more nerdier than UW, which has more of a party reputation. And I will go to Michigan if I get in, but i'm not looking too forward to it. It's not my first choice school, i'm not in love with the place, but I will have to go there if I get in.</p>

<p>Fine if he does. UW will survive and kids that go there will continue to have the time of their life and get a great education.</p>

<p>I chose UW over Umich and its invitational honors program.</p>

<p>it sounds like uw would be pretty perfect for you</p>

<p>Chanky, you're not alone. I've accepted by both UW and UofM including honors programs. But, I think I'm going to Madison, as I plan to major in biology and do Pre-med. Besides, I'm a WI resident.</p>