NESCAC Schools

only in my case, as my teachers know I’m already committed to a school for sports and could be annoyed since their are plenty of unhooked kids not committed whose essays they have to read and a ton of letter of recs to write

I’d ask a teacher or another trusted adult to just give it a quick read to see if they notice any issues with grammar or structure.

Just because you are recruited they won’t think the essay is meaningless. You might not need an extensive developmental edit but you want to feel reasonably good about it and they won’t mind helping with a quick proofread.

I would take it seriously but not to the point of stress.

If you ask a teacher to review it saying “i really want to put my best foot forward and make sure this essay reflects well on me, my high school, and the coach who recruited me”, how could you be wasting their time?

Don’t think of it as an exercise to decide who’s admitted but as a chance to show them who they have admitted.


thank you, i’ll probably send ask my English teacher from last year who’s also writing my letter of rec and knows me pretty well. i’m terrified of somehow messing this up or looking myself or the coaches who recruited me look bad so I definitely want the essay to be good


Question on 1st quarter grades/ED applications for recruits. My D has been verbally committed to the admissions process at a NESCAC since early July. Her ED application has been submitted and coach confirmed all parts are received (including supplemental essay), and her 1st quarter grades are the only thing still missing. D explained her marking period is just ending this week (NYS runs behind most other states) and it will be forwarded to admissions as soon as it’s available. Coach said, ok, just have her guidance office send it to admissions as soon as they can. This will likely be not for another week at least (again, D shared that); nothing D can do about it. Does anyone know if this is common? Do schools that require 1st quarter grades typically move forward looking at her ED app without yet receiving the grades? She anticipates them being roughly the same as they’ve been throughout high school, which she’s shared with the coach. I’m thinking about it now, and her school only updates transcripts after semesters, not quarters. I’m wondering if they’ll have a formal grade report to even send, or how that even works? I’m definitely going to suggest she stop in and talk with her counselor tomorrow, but the grade books don’t officially close until Friday, so there’s no way she’ll get them before 11/15…

Nearly every ED school requests 1st Q grades as part of the admissions checklist and then mid-year and final-year reports after admission, regardless of whether athletic recruiting is part of it.

The guidance department should be quite familiar with this requirement and colleges will generally accept these after the student submission deadline.


I agree with the above. Sounds like your D has kept the coach updated which is great. I would have your D stay in touch with her HS GC too, but I expect they know they need to get out Q1 grades to all the seniors’ ED schools, as well as some EA schools.

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Thanks. We had heard many schools don’t require 1st quarter grades (not 1st semester, 1st quarter) grades for ED. But due to the fact it’s a high academic school, we anticipated they would. Her high school doesn’t add quarter grades to transcripts, just whole semester grades. She’s going to clarify with her guidance counselor tomorrow. Just wasn’t clear on the mechanism for that, since during recruiting process, D would just screen shot grades each quarter, then formally send her transcript after each semester.

My son’s school counselor submitted his Q1 grades to his ED school via the Optional Report Form in the Common App. His school does not add these to the transcript. Because it is in the Common App, all of the other schools he applied to early action and regular decision can download this Optional Report Form report. And he can see in the Common App that every single school he applied to downloaded the Q1 grades even though only his ED school wanted them. If you do not want other schools to see the Q1 grades for some reason, I’d suggest having the school counselor email the grades to the admissions’ office(r) at the ED school. That way they only go to that one school.


Most high schools are prepared to support “out of synch” grade requests by colleges.

For example, ours, which had trimesters and generally only reported a single year end grade for each course, pulled a first trimester grade for ED and prepared a special “mid year” grade report for seniors to send with RD apps.

Chances are you are worrying about a problem that already has a solution. Hopefully, your GC should be able to clarify and put at least one concern to bed!


Our child was a recruited athlete too (guessing that is what you mean by recruited) and her school counselor sent her mid-term grades (they don’t call them quarter grades) to the college - the school asked for them in their material and so did the coach. You school counselor should be very familiar with this request.


I’m sure her school has a set method. I think it’s just my own worries as we are upon 11/15. As I mentioned, she did tell her coach her grades would be a little late, because her marking period is just ending and she said fine. Now I’m wondering if D should have asked her if she (D) should let admissions know that. It just occurred to me; does coach tell admissions, or does D? She’ll probably text her today and ask.


Another suggestion that was recommended to my son: your daughter can email a summary of her classes and grades as of the end of marking period to her admissions’ officer and cc: the school counselor and the coach. Include the school counselor’s name, email address, and phone number in the email and let the admissions’ officer know that the official grade report is forthcoming. But in the meantime, here is an unofficial summary and the school counselor is copied here for verification purposes. This serves the purpose of unofficially communicating the grades until the counselor can get to it.

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Generally the recruit only communicates with the coach, not admissions. I would NOT have her contact admissions unless the coach specifically tells her to.

I know the waiting can be difficult, but really, this is nothing to stress over. Your D’s grades aren’t ‘late’…they aren’t even out yet. Just have the GC send the grades when they get them, this is how the process works.


She hasn’t reached out to admissions, she was just thinking of asking the coach if she should. The grades will be “late” in the sense that it shows in her portal as the only thing missing with the app deadline today. Our state (NY) tends to be later than other schools, so I’m sure they’ve experienced it before, but likely at least D’s commit group (she’s the only one from NY) have them in.

The coach is most likely busy coaching - I know it is hard to wait and not see the check mark on the portal. I am sure your daughter is not the 1st NY applicant through admissions - if the coach has issues, they should reach out. They want your daughter in the team.


They will accept the school reports after the application submission deadline and usually there is even a message to that effect in the portal. Admissions knows they aren’t available yet for some schools and the portal will update once they receive it. Keep an eye on it and if you don’t see it updated in the portal a few days after the HS says they were sent, then followup. Otherwise, it’s not really anything to worry about and doesn’t require emails to Admissions.

See Senior Grades | Middlebury College as an example.


@Crosbylane , do you have a decision or are you still waiting?

My daughter got her acceptance to Hamilton last night at 8pm (EST). So happy for her and incredibly grateful for this group who have helped with the process immeasurably! I’m going to pay it forward for sure!


Hooray!! Congratulations to her!

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