Net Price Calculator?

<p>So I ran the net price calculator for BAMA, and it came back with like $15,000. That’s still affordable, but I was hoping for a little better price to be honest! Do you think that might come down some, once he applies with his good grades and test scores? We actually already applied to BAMA and are in the process of applying to the honors college now. I have spoken with someone on the phone and she was so very nice. I’m really happy to have BAMA as a safety for my son! :)</p>

<p>Actually it might have been $18,000! I clicked out of it too fast and now I don’t see it. But in any case it was higher than I expected. :(</p>



<p>? Didn’t the NPC ask for his grades and test scores? If so, then the merit award listed was based on that and was included in the NPC. The NPC assumed that he was applying with those good grades and test scores. </p>



<p>If I recall, your goal was to get costs under $20k. Is your son’s father going to help pay for any costs? Do you qualify for the Tuition Tax Credit? </p>

<p>Is he applying to CBH or UFE? If so, more merit can come thru that.</p>

<p>Is he an Eng’g or CS major? If so, he’d get an additional 2500 per year.</p>

<p>But, from the univ itself, his award would be what was stated in the NPC.</p>

<p>I don’t know if this is still true, but if you apply to the Alumni Club, your child can get a $1000 award. </p>

<p>Hi! Yes I entered all the information and that’s what came back. I’m bummed that he just missed National Merit Finalist by a couple of points, because that would have guaranteed him full tuition. In any case, $15,000-$20,000 is affordable for us, and it could even be one of the lowest offers we get! I was just hoping for a lower price. Ideally I’d like him to get close to full tuition paid and I’d just be responsible for room/board and expenses. But maybe that’s not realistic. </p>

<p>I think my income is slightly too high for the tax credit, but I won’t know until tax time. Ugh, this is so frustrating…I’m broke, but on paper I have a relatively high income, so I’m probably going to end up paying more than I’d like anywhere, unless he gets very lucky with a merit scholarship somewhere…And no, the ex won’t contribute anything. :(</p>

<p>In any case, I think the U of Alabama is wonderful in so many ways and I have high hopes for it. Thanks so much for pointing me in that direction, I honestly would never have known about it otherwise. :)</p>

Merit Finalist by a couple of points, because that would have guaranteed him full tuition.</p>



<p>Your son is guaranteed full tuition for his stats. Didn’t the NPC indicate that he’d get the Presidential scholarship.</p>



<p>I don’t know what the limits are. Does anyone here know? Do you file as HOH?</p>

<p>It looks like the limit is $90,000 adjusted gross income. And yes I file as head of household. I’ll probably be slightly above that, but my cpa might be able to get creative so I’m slightly below it. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>I’m going to run the NPC again right now…maybe I made a mistake since it didn’t show the Presidential scholarship.</p>

<p>Ok, so running it a second time I’m getting:</p>

<p>Cost of attendance (tuition, room, board, etc.): $39,436
Indirect costs (transportation, books, etc.): $4,749
Total Cost: $44,185</p>

<h2>- Presidential Scholarship: $24,950</h2>

<p><em>Estimated Net Price: $19,235</em></p>

<p>Does that look right? It seems kind of high! </p>

<p>Maybe these numbers are a little inflated…they are including $1,402 for transportation and about $2000 for “miscellaneous.” I’ll have to pay for travel and miscellaneous expenses anywhere, so if I eliminated that $3000, the net price would be closer to $16,000. They did give him the Presidential Scholarship which is the tuition…So if I was left with room, board, books and fees, just doing my own calculations, it comes closer to $15,500, which is much better. :)</p>

<p>The good news with most boys (and I am being serious here) is that you will see a significant reduction in your grocery budget- like $100+/wk., and maybe savings here and there in other areas, so your home expenses may drop some $4,000 - $5,000/year. You will have an unwitting subsidy from all the 100 lb. girls at BAMA. Of course, YMMV, but I was shocked to notice the effect on the grocery budget.</p>

<p>Interesting, I hadn’t thought of that! </p>

<p>The first year is often the most expensive since the highest meal plan is required. Many downgrade or choose “no meal plan” for soph year on.</p>

<p>The COA also includes the cost of the Super Suites dorms, which are the most expensive. Some choose the Standard Doubles residence halls to save money.</p>

<p>Yes, you will likely be buying fewer groceries and maybe your water/electric bill will go down if he took long showers. </p>

<p>Yeah, I am thinking the real cost of attendance will be closer to $15,000-$16,000 which works for our budget, and may be on of the lowest offers we get! :)</p>

<p>Also, I don’t know what your son’s plans are, but my kids worked during the summer and that paid for their pocket money.</p>

<p>My kids also bought books used (now kids can rent books) and that can also save money.</p>

<p>After the first semester, my kids tutored at Bama’s tutoring center and that also brought in some money for them. </p>

<p>If your son is offered a subsidized loan, then you might consider having him take that.</p>

<p>What is his major?</p>

He wants to go into Computer Programming (Computer Science major I guess?)</p>



<p>Did he put Computer Science on his app? iF so, then he gets another $2500 per year.</p>

<p>If he didn’t, have him go into MyBama, academics tab, scroll down, left column…and click the link to change his major.</p>

<p>@chris17mom‌ </p>

<p>Yes! I talked to a lady at the Computer Based Honors Program last week and I think it’s just perfect for him. :slight_smile: I’ll make sure it’s on his app though, thanks!</p>

<p>I just checked his MyBama account and it looks like Computer Science is his major. But the system is not letting us apply to the Honors College (or the CBHP) yet because he has not yet been admitted to the U of Alabama. Any idea how long that will take? We don’t want to miss the deadlines!</p>

<p>Also, I’m trying to send his SAT scores right now, but CollegeBoard is making me choose Birmingham, Huntsville or Tuscaloosa. Which one should I send them to? Is Tucscaloosa the main campus where the CBHP would be?</p>

<p>Tuscaloosa. </p>

<p>Fwiw, I have read a couple of your other threads. You can assure your ds that there are definitely strong students on UA’s campus. He might be very surprised by just how strong. :)</p>

<p>Yes I am really impressed with UA! I think if it is one of the only affordable options he will be convinced. Now I’m just worried about getting everything to them in time for the 12/15 deadline for the Honors College. He has not been admitted yet, I just sent in the score request now, and his guidance counselor will have to send the transcript right away…But the people are so nice at the Honors College, they have already told me to keep communicating with them and they will extend the deadline if necessary. :)</p>

<p>Re Post #8 above about food costs, and other comments on what costs you can ‘save’ when they go off to college, here are some others that you might not have to pay, so this will be gravy in your pocket: all HS lab/class/sport/activity fees; music lessons; sport or gym membership fees; club/organisation dues; car insurance (take him off your policy completely and add when he comes back home, or see if your insurance has an ‘away-at-school’ rate which is lower than when they driving at home); allowances/mad-money (you’re no longer around to ask for $20 every time they go out!); orthodontia (if he’s finished his treatment plan); gas (either you’re no longer running them around or they aren’t running around); etc. Just not having him here at home when we go out to dinner saves $20+ each and every time.</p>

<p>The estimated costs that UA uses is way liberal - no student would spend more than that, no way! Renting a traditional dorm is about 3/5th of the cost of suite dorms. Don’t bring a car to campus and save on the parking permit fees, too ($215/semester). Unused dining dollars are refunded at the end of the school year (if requested by the student), and those are $325/semester, so that’s $650 right there (if he never used any DD).</p>

<p>Good luck with your budgeting! ;)</p>