Netflix buys its first production studio - in ABQ, right near UNM

Wow! This is going to be huge for UNM film students. :slight_smile:

Estimated $1 billion in production over the next decade. Go, Lobos!

Saw that today! Very exciting. My daughter was just accepted at UNM. We are out of state, NW Washington. I have followed your posts the past year as they have been full of such positive information about the university. We are doing our first visit in January to see if it is a fit for her…

Very cool! Is your D interested in film, or will she be studying something else?

If I can answer any questions for you, just let me know. :slight_smile:

I was recently accepted OOS to UNM for film and won’t be able to visit before my decision. Can you provide any insight into the program? Anything you could provide would be greatly appreciated.