NetID/Applicant ID?

<p>Cornell sent me an email earlier telling me that my financial aid stuff was incomplete. They told me to</p>

<p>"please go to Cornell</a> university - Financial Aid and click on the 'Check Application Status' link. Use your applicant ID and password to access the financial aid “To Do List,” which displays materials still needed to complete your application for financial aid."</p>

<p>The problem is, when I go on the 'Check Application Status' link, it asks me for a NetID, which I don't remember registering for. Am I supposed to have some kind of applicant ID somewhere? If yes, when and where would I have received it (via mail, email...)? I really need to see what they need from me in terms of financial aid, so this is pretty urgent.</p>

<p>Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>your applicant id is given to you after you applied. You should be able to find it in your email somewhere.<br>
Think back to when you first submitted your application.</p>

<p>Instead of using your NetID, your applicant ID works the same. But i think you have to activate it first, so find that first email</p>