Neuroscience UF or UM?

<p>So I've been accepted to both UF and UM as is often the case. At this point I have a pretty equal pro/cons list for both, but is wondering which has the better undergraduate neuroscience program. I know that at UF it is an IDS major, which could be both a good or bad thing compared to UM's Neuroscience program. At UF I'd probably choose the cognitive neuroscience track and at UM I'd choose psychobiology. UM gave me a lot of scholarship money so the difference in price isn't really an issue. I plan on doing pre-med, too, and take a second major in some time of social science or humanities. I am in the honors program at UF which would take care of the more individualized attention which UM often boasts about in comparison to UF. So basically, which has the stronger neuroscience program in your opinion and which would best facilitate a double major, pre-med track. Leave all bias at the door please. I just want some legitimate reasoning.</p>

<p>I’m doing Psychobiology as well at UM and at the Open House they mentioned their great Neuroscience program and how this summer they are breaking ground on construction of a whole new neuroscience research building… that must mean the program is strong!</p>

<p>I was there, too, but also heard that UF’s Neuroscience is also pretty good.</p>

<p>I’m sure there both good, its a matter of where you want to be and where you see yourself</p>

<p>yeah both are excellent. so chose the school that’s the best fit for you and where you think you will be more successful
my cousin is doing neuro at UF and she loves it. she is also researching with one of her neuro profs and getting published because of her findings.</p>

<p>at this point, I could deal with either. They kind of balance each other out: I like UF’s overall atmosphere, but like UM’s location better for research and job connections. I feel like UF’s honors program is stronger than UM’s, but also feel like the gender ratio and amount of diversity is better at UM. UM and UF’s honors program both have good advising, but UM might let me have more minors than UF. Then again, UF offers another major I’m interested that is UM doesn’t have (though I am sure they offer classes in the subject). Still, I would assume that UM would be willing to give more back, being private and all, to the individual student, especially with their study abroad programs and overall flexibility. UF might be as flexible, I do not know, and they also have really good study abroad programs. UM is closer to home (I could take the train) but Gainesville is totally landlocked and the lack of shoreline is not something I am particularly used to. Basically, I feel like if I take a wrong turn on my way to Gainesville, I’ll end up in a Texas Chainsaw Massacre sequel. Still, I feel like most of the kids at Miami from up north or wherever are there just to party and not take anything seriously, which is awful for me to say, but w/e. I am really just scatterbrained on the subject, and really biased I know.</p>