New CCer looking for sum luv! hehe help me out plz!

<p>Hi, first I want to say I have been reading CC forever :) and I just recently decided to join since the site has updated. So Hi to anyone who doesnt recognize my username. Anyways- I need help picking some safety/match schools. My SATs are a bit low compared to this site, but my GPA is decent and I have stellar recommendations and essay.</p>

<p>I prefer liberal art/smaller type schools(will take suggestions about universities but I do not like them as much) and I am from South NJ</p>

<p>SAT Verbal 630
SAT Math 610
SAT Writing 620
SAT Math IC:630
SAT Spanish:520 <~not a native speaker, re-taking
Taking SAT IIs again in Nov.</p>

<p>My GPA is a 3.6 and my weighed GPA is a 5.4/6.9<br>
I come from an EXTEMELY competitive highschool
My rank is the top 32% of my class which at other schools could be considered the top 15%. I play women's ice hockey (doesnt matter if I play in college or not), have participated in DECA all four years, have been in spanish club all four years, business academy (with 60 hr internship) for two years. I know I do not have the long list of extra curr. but I have dedicated myself to what I do participate in fully. I have taken mostly accelerated, honors, and a FEW AP classes. I am not asking to go to Harvard, Yale etc. Just some advice, ideas on schools northeast, south, and no farther west than Wisconsin. Any decent match schools out there that are still challenging/semi-reputable?</p>

<p>By the way, I know I will get a lot of questioning from CC'ers because everyone seems to think more of stats then the personality when it comes to giving advice on chances, but I already applied to Wellesley ED. It is a dream school and figured why not give it a shot. I already had an interview and I am patiently waiting for an acceptance letter. :) I figured I should try and not worry about stats, etc. but rather let them see what kind of person I am and how much I love the school. I am also looking at Bucknell, Kenyon, Mt. Holoyoke, etc. just to give you an idea of what I like. HELP ME OUT CC! Id appreciate any advice..but be nice :)</p>

<p>Definately look at Mt. Holyoke.</p>

<p>Matches/Safeties to consider:</p>

Lafayette...Match/Safety (Does not require SAT)
Connecticut C...Match/Safety
Colorado C...Safety
Bates...Match (Does not require SAT)
Trinity U (TX)...Match/Safety
Lewis & Clark...Safety (Does not require SAT)

<p>Hope this is of use to you. Happy hunting. :)</p>

<p>Good list Blaineko. I'd also suggest you look at: Skidmore, Wheaton (Mass), Goucher (MD), Scripps in Calif., possibly Agnes Scot in Georgia.</p>

<p>I appreciate the advice - any other ideas? What schools listed above would be good for foreign language that are in my range?</p>

<p>Blaineko makes some good notes about trying schools where SAT Is are optional, though some of those schools may ask for SAT IIs. Bowdoin is an excellent school where you can apply without including any standardized test scores and they have a strong women's hockey program. If you are interested in playing in college and are good enough to do so, the Bowdoin coach could give your application a boost. Without that it is a definite reach. So if Bowdoin interests you I'd call or e-mail the coach.</p>

<p>Two very strong LACs for languages not too far from you are Dickinson College and Connecticut College. Your test scores are a bit light for them but with your GPA and strong schedule they would be reasonable reaches or weak matches. </p>

<p>Finally, and again with hockey consideration, Manhattanville College would be a good safety. Formerly an all-women's school, it is about two-thirds women now. They have very good language departments and a solid hockey team.</p>