New College of California

<p>For reference: <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>I've been urged to apply to their programs by a friend enrolled there. There are several positive things to it, for example, they have an obvious and clear focus on social justice issues; they allow simultaneous enrollment in undergraduate and graduate programs; they admit based on personal statement, socioeconomic background and activism history rather than quantifiable scores, which I find praiseworthy, and, they seem to have generous aid packages for international transfer student, which is very rare.</p>

<p>On the other hand - the extreme hippie vibe puts me off tremendeously. I've no idea if any employer or graduate program would have heard of them, which would make it a waste of money I don't even have even with the low price tag. Their alumni all seem to be up to "expressing myself through belly dance!" post-graduation (I'm not even making this up!), and one of the graduate programs is in "female spirituality" (that's just great, but I doubt I could get anywhere in life with a B.A. in worshipping mother Gaia/Dolphin Vagina/Inner Goddess Of $5 Incense). </p>

<p>Have any of you heard of this school? Good things, bad things? What do you think? My friend has nothing but good things to say about it, and I can tell from his readings that there's no lack of solid theory as far as his program and teachers is concerned.</p>

<p>My son, a USC film student, was interested in their graduate film program because of their progressive emphasis. It's certainly well-priced, but the program offered an MA, not an MFA, which I think is a better degree for those in the arts. You can teach college with it.</p>