<p>Sittingbull is a bit too fond of a Native American who was murdered in 1890.</p>
<p>GlitterHairDye is the official Queen of the Forum...good job!!</p>
<p>mcz is the Royal Slave unfortuantely. That is, he's the worst person on the forum :(</p>
<p>Sittingbull needs to realize that mcz doesn't care.</p>
All bow down to me.
<p>GlitterHairDye's egocentricity is intended to supplement for lackings in certain areas.</p>
<p>Just keep playing...this game is fun.</p>
<p>mcz has the herpes.</p>
<p>Sittingbull has bull sex.</p>
<p>no sittingbull has the herpes....p.s no more track jokes on me....they all suck</p>
<p>BestMiler1 wishes he/she had herpes, as that would pale in comparison to what he/she does have.</p>
<p>mcz is slow.</p>
<p>Kchen wears his mother's underwear...and dances to "Creole Lady Marmalade".</p>
<p>Mcz has crabs that just won't go away.</p>
<p>whats with crabs and herpes, these are getting abused too much
martha has asia</p>
<p>BestMiler is sad because she's constantly scratching herself like a drunken sailor from the disease.</p>
<p>I GOTTA SAY THAT IS REALLY AN INSULT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the use of SHE
im a male..................................what gave you the idea im a gilr??????
mcz is retarded idiot</p>
<p>BestMiler takes offense to being called a girl, because he is very insecure about himself.</p>
<p>not really because i wanted to know either you thought i was really a girl or you were using that as an insult.......btw i really dont get offended by jokes......i always joke around and like when other peopel joke around to</p>
<p>MCZ is, in the area of gender, rather ambiguous.</p>
<p>bestmiler may be able to run, but his sexual stamina is garbage</p>
<p>Sittingbull's sexual stamina lives up to his name...as a lame bull...</p>