New Game

bestmiler may be able to run, but his sexual stamina is garbage


ahhahahah ahahahha ahahhaha lmao</p>

<p>BestMiler is actually a lot slower than he'll have us believe.</p>

<p>mcz gets dizzy because he cant catch even though i run circles around him</p>

<p>BestMiler has problems with getting across his points, as they are nonsensical.</p>

<p>my grandma can run circles around mcz who this the slowest person in earth</p>

<p>BestMiler needs some liposuction to remove the excess fat from his immense body girth; until then, he'll cry himself to sleep.</p>

<p>mcz cries himself to sleep because his mom didn't hug him as a child...</p>

<p><strong><em>I'm NOT Trying to be the "king of the hill", just giving my opinion</em></strong></p>


<p>isn't it obvious now?</p>

<p>Prepkid is too scared try to become king of the hill so he sits alone in his room all day with the curtains drawn and mumbles paranoid conspiracy theories to himself before typing his irrational delusions to the people on this website - who he considers to be his 'loyal followers'</p>

<p>Purest Awesome is an old man who's trying to solicit young children on a forum website.</p>

<p>mcz is gullible enough to go meet Purest Awesome in an ally tonight.</p>

<p>sittingbull is crazy and dangerous for thinking that somehow anyone on this forum would actually meet each other</p>

<p>Kman is one of those people who hands out 'safety on the internet' fliers to passers by on the street and cries when people throw them away around the corner.</p>


<p>tpbm thinks purest awesomke is a horn dog.</p>

<p>(oops wrong game)</p>

<p>Sitting bull thinks some words are other words and gets confused easily. In laymans terms, he can't read good and thus posts on the wrong thread.</p>

<p>Purest Awesome has yet to learn that it's "he can't read well"</p>

<p>Sittingbull has yet to learn the concept of irony in insults</p>

<p>purest awesome, i'm a gal.</p>

<p>and i agree with you :D (just the being scared to be the king of the hills part. i wish i had curtains, though)</p>

<p>No, too scared to talk to people, so I would never hand out any flyers. I don't want any labels being attached to me, nor any friends either.</p>

<p>Kman does secretly want labels to be attached to his friends - because that would of course mean that he has some friends...</p>