New Jersey HS senior looking to major in aerospace engineering

US Citizen
New Jersey
Asian Male
Able to Pay

Intended Major(s)
Aerospace Engineering

GPA, Rank, and Test Scores
3.85 UW GPA, 4.33 W GPA. 1440 SAT, 750M 690E

Mostly All Honors and APs
Took 5 AP classes last year(AP Calc BC-5, AP Physics 1- 5, AP Physics C: Mech- 5, AP Lang- 4, APUSH-3) and taking AP Bio and AP Chem this year.

Won School AP Calculus BC Award
AP Scholar with Distinction

Drum Captain in schools marching band (been a member for 4 years), Strategy Captain for school’s FRC Robotics team (member for 3 years, Lead Drummer in Jazz Band (3 years)

Part of schools NHS, Math Honor Society, and Science Honor Society, and jazz band along with other community service.

Strong essays, got checked over by former princeton admission counselor. Wrote commonapp on how I have shaped my life due to racism I have faced in the past.

Top Schools- UMich, Georgia Tech, Purdue

How good of a shot do I have at these 3?

Purdue - a possibility.

Aerospace you can do at many schools - or MECHE - and the market is hot !!!


you think there’s any shot at the other two or probably not?

CU Boulder has an amazing aerospace engineering building and program

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What are your safeties?

I see that you are a senior.

First of all, if that’s your real name you may want to change it

Regarding the 3 schools you’ve listed: all are tough admits for OOS given your stats. Maybe Purdue. If you want me to be perfectly honest I’d say the other two are unlikely.

Where else have you applied?


Already got into safeties. They were Penn State, Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, and Florida Tech.


And you’ve applied to Rutgers as well I hope?


Three fine schools. You might apply UAH. Like Florida Tech it’s surrounded by aero companies.

I think maybe Purdue and unlikely at the other two.

My son is at Bama. Unranked. Has 16 or 17 interviews already including aero and he’s a MECHE.

My coworker son ks at Pratt & Whitney from W Michigan and rose steadily.

You don’t need to be at the biggest names.

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If you met the EA deadline at Purdue, I think you have a decent shot.

GT and Michigan will be reachier.

Congrats on already having some great acceptances!


Yep, still waiting to hear back from them.

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Was about to say the same. And you can also count on honors and good merit.

Paging @Knowsstuff!

I agree with all said. For Michigan and GT your Sat most likely would have to be 1520 or higher. Engineering at Michigan is 3.93 unweighted with 34 Act as an example.

You have some solid schools already.


He does knowstuff! :laughing:


FWIW my NJ son was rejected from Michigan engineering with a 4.0 UW and 34 ACT after being deferred EA. Good luck!


Did you apply to UCF?

Just figured out my school does UW GPA weirdly due to them using a +/- system, so my UW GPA after recalculation is about 3.96. I doubt it changes anything but thanks for letting me know!

No that wasn’t on my list

How does your school usually do and what gets them in? This does factor in.

Michigan uses unweighted with no - /+
A=4,V=3 and so on with core classes.

Good Luck.

You are competitive. OOS is rough but honestly so is instate…