<p>Hey all,
So about 2 weeks ago the left hinge on my Toshiba broke. This is a $300 repair, and after much digging, it seems as if this is a very common problem for that model. I've read complaints of peoples left hinge breaking repeatedly despite new parts being replaced. I figured that a $300 repair for a $550 computer wasn't worth it considering it has always been slow and it has some more issues that are mostly minor but still a nuisance.
For reference, it was an i5 processor, RAM of 750 GB, memory of 6 GB, 4.5 ish pounds.</p>
<p>My problem right now is that I got my laptop back after having it evaluated. It works just fine, but I cannot close it, so it's not very portable.
I found a new laptop for $450 with similar specs, but a RAM of 500 GB, 4 GB memory, 4 hour battery life and about a pound heavier. I also was looking at a $170 Chromebook that is faster than my old laptop with a decent internet connection and much lighter, 3.3 pounds.</p>
<p>As a junior in chemical engineering, what laptop would I be better off buying a new laptop I found with similar specs? Or should I go and pick up a chromebook and keep my old one to convert files and for the occasional download I need for school? I already took MATLAB and most of my pre-reqs. From my understanding my upper level classes require MATHCAD (which I can only gain access to via the computers on campus since it's out of the price range of students and most businesses) Microsoft word, and excel. Is there something I am not considering?</p>
<p>Sorry if this is lengthy, and thanks for your help!</p>