New Parent Vent

<p>^^ We have our brand and slogan - we’re gonna make millions…</p>

<p>There will be some in houndstooth? I hope so. I’d avoid any in crimson, just sayin</p>

<p>Hoo boy! It should be clear by now, there are no “normal” parents on this forum. See above.</p>

<p>LOL - too funny! Am I still allowed to lurk on this forum if my D decides to go elsewhere? This is BY FAR the most fun forum on CC.</p>

<p>I’m gonna get fired…</p>

<p>We can dispense them much like RedBox but instead call it “The Big Al”. You know guys will want to say they have to use “The Big Al”.</p>

<p>^^ Lurkers, in particular, are normal…and welcome.</p>

<p>Oh man… you guys are making this a far more enjoyable day in the office!</p>

<p>Glad to hear we are the national champs when it comes to a sense of humor as well!</p>

<p>I have finally calmed down over the lists and planning activities – there really isn’t that much left to do: Couple of text books aren’t in yet, summer visit to the dentist (tomorrow), car insurance adjustment (DS won’t have one), test the skype connection.</p>

<p>The only thing left to do is decide what One Big Thing to accidentally (intentionally) forget to pack. DS will need to take the bus to Target or walk to the strip to buy it, and then smugly lecture me later about my failings. Win-win. He takes an early step toward independence in town, and I get a good private laugh as he beats me over the head with my shortcomings.</p>

<p>What One Big Thing should I leave out of his boxes? I’m leaning toward socks, because it’s funny, but that might be hard to “forget.” </p>

<p>Maybe his backpack?</p>

<p>Up until now I was thinking that DS schedule was too full and he wouldn’t have any free time…now Im thinking we need to add a class or two. :)</p>

<p>Maybe you could accidentally (intentionally) pack the Big Al’s instead of socks.</p>

<p>^^^ OH DEAR!</p>

<p>Well, D texted me late yesterday. We gave her our words of wisdom about the schedule she picked out back the first of June. After 3 weeks of 8:00am classes at EC she has now decided she does NOT want 8:00am classes all 5 days. DUH!!! Alas, the class she needs to switch to is full. Hoping that one spot opens up and soon. I guess I should have helicoptered and gone in and changed her schedule myself. Figured I’d let her learn the hard way.</p>

<p>Can’t stop laughing! </p>

<p>We leave 8/2. My craziness should be done by then. </p>

<p>On the flip side, my 3rd child has such little attention this summer that I did not even know what courses she selected for middle school. Nor have I checked up summer reading.</p>

<p>Bill: I have been beaten over the head so often with my shortcomings I have taken to wearing a football helmet. I get smugly lectured until my ears bleed. I know it’s his quirky way of expressing his love, but geez - is putting a spoon in his ramen instead of a fork really that egregious?</p>

<p>I vote backpack, socks AND boxers!</p>

<p>I LIKE the way you think. In fact, expect to see NRDSON gingerly navigating campus with severe chafing issues after move-in until he can make it to the WALMART for an emergency underwear run…</p>

<p>Hahaha, longhaul. I have one starting high school. I just scheduled all of her eye dr, dentist appt’s, haircut, etc and told her the dates and times. Her response, “don’t I have summer band practice?” UGH! DUH!!! You would think I would know that after having done it for the last 4 years and I am on the booster board of directors. </p>

<p>NRDMOM, I’m in the same boat as you when it comes to receiving lectures about why I did not know this or that. Seriously people, this family needs to start doing some things for themselves. D called me and asked me to send her knee brace. To please UPS it and overnight it. What did I do? I sent it regular UPS, on a Thursday :slight_smile: Yep, took even longer due to the weekend. She didn’t pack it, I didn’t ask. So that is my D limping across campus with a knee she tweaked in band and snowboarding.</p>

<p>Isn’t it amazing how helpless they can still be? I sometimes think I need to be less proactive to let him “feel the sting” as it were instead of being at the ready. Still haven’t decided which strategy is better - see them learn the hard way, or miss out on something else because something easily avoidable could have been prevented?</p>

<p>I was always taught “Chance favors the prepared” so I guess I answered my own dilemma eh?</p>

<p>I am not sure what item I should intentionally omit, but I am fairly certain “Big Al’s trunk protectors” shouldn’t be one of them… ;)</p>

<p>Bill, no need to “forget” something on purpose. Trust me, something big will accidentally be left at home. I’ll bet even TXA, who has lists to keep her lists straight, will forget something. </p>

<p>And just to confirm that I’m certifiable, I think Class2012 is perfectly normal.</p>

<p>^^rolltide – Mine aren’t helpless. They just don’t so it my way :slight_smile: Usually that means it costs me more money (why got 2 stores when I can get everything at one) or it means they do the same thing several times (why combine 2 trips to the same shopping mall). Yeah, they all know my way is the right way…</p>

<p>I am in a household of 5, with 3 being ADHD inattentive. I do overcompensate with lists and planning for their lack of thinking ahead. I’m working on it. Child #3 gets Cs in school because I ceased the daily reminders on before leaving for school. I am making progress.</p>

<p>Most of the college stuff is scattered. The stuff my kids cares about? All in a neat area and labeled. Yup, my kid will have underware, a guitar with lots of extra strings, headphones and no bedding items and no change of jeans. But his backpack has been heavily waterproofed :)</p>

<p>^^Bill – Now I need to add the car insurance stuff to my list!</p>

<p>Just saying, I’m pretty sure I have seen “Big Al’s Trunk Protectors” for sale in the Lakeside Market before, in regular name brands. You can always tell your children to use their dining dollars on THAT if they need to. Hahaha</p>

<p>C’mon, Run - Like TxNCM said - what guy is going to want ‘regular’ when he can ‘Big’ Als?</p>