<p>"As far as I know, the College Board has not demonstrated that the writing scores are valid."</p>
<p>Collegehelp, the guiding element of your position is indeed "as far as I know".</p>
<p>Before starting to write a litany of "The College Board could and should...", you ought to consider researching the issue, even just a bit. To get started, here are a few comments on the essay grading. </p>
<p>ETS and its contractor, Pearson Education Assessment, will scan the essays and distribute them online to individual scorers hired as independent contractors and paid a variable per-hour rate, depending on experience and performance. The scorers are, typically, high school and college English teachers and must qualify for employment by completing a detailed questionnaire about their experience teaching and assessing writing. In addition, they must complete an online training course to become familiar with the holistic scoring method and rubric to be used in scoring the essays and also must score at least seventy percent of forty prescored sample essays in exact agreement with preassigned true scores. </p>
<p>Scorers are expected to read each essay quickly to gain an impression of the essay as a whole and to score essays immediately, without rereading, using a 1-6 point rubric. The rubric instructs scorers to treat the essays as first drafts but to determine, among other criteria, students levels of mastery of writing as shown in the essay, with levels of mastery ranging downward from clear and consistent to reasonably consistent to adequate to developing to little to, at the very bottom, very little or none. The rubric is substantially similar to the rubric used to score essays written for the now-superfluous SAT II: Writing test. </p>
<p>New SAT essay scorers are advised not to judge essays solely by length, to try to be mindful of the time pressures and other conditions under which the essays were written, to read supportively (i.e., to look for what writers did well), to ignore handwriting quality, to excuse minor errors, and to understand that no one aspect of writing (coherence, diction, grammar, etc.) is more important than another, and that no aspect of writing is to be ignored. Each essay will be scored by two scorers; thus will receive a score ranging from two to twelve points; however, if the two scorers? scores for an essay differ by more than one point, a third scorer will be used. </p>
<p>Scorers performance will be monitored and reevaluated during the scoring process by random use of calibration essays; these are prescored essays considered paradigms of various scores along the 1-6 scale. Scoring leaders will monitor individual scorers performances in real time and collect data about inter-rater reliability; as part of the effort to ensure uniformity, these scoring leaders may provide feedback via phone and the Web when appropriate to individual scorers.</p>