New scores, new hope (maybe!)

<p>Thanks, I will add you. Interestingly, the only reason I have AIM was to add another person I saw on here. A current MIT student. He said that he got into MIT with a 660V and 790M or something like that. Not recruited, but did three sports. (Pry got him in) All I can do is hope!</p>

<p>OK, I am bumping jsut because of updates that I would like some info on. I got in early at Chicao, deferred MIT, and am applying to Harvard, Princeton, Stanford (somewhat legacy) and Cornell. Is it worth visiting Cornell before I get the letter? I was offered a free ride on a school trip to Washington DC, and should probably go to New York sooner than I thought I would (before early April!) I just don't want to go and visit without the acceptance letter, especially at an Ivy. So, just for fun, do you guys think I have a good enough chance at Cornell to visit before I get the letter. This is not just chances, as this involves a lot of real money. Thanks, you guys are cool!</p>

<p>PS. We are talking about Cornell CAS for physics.</p>

<p>Last bump before this hits the grave.</p>

<p>Read above.</p>