new sprint phone

<p>I'm going to get a new phone soon, and am wondering which one would actually better. I'm with sprint and dont want to spend too much, so I narrowed it down to the katana, muziq, and centro. Is the centro actually a good phone? What do you guys think, which phone would be better for a high school senior going to college next year.</p>

<p>I recommend the sprint palm centro. I got one a month ago and it can do it all, full keyboard, mp3's, sprint tv, browsing the web, etc. good luck!</p>

<p>My sister has the Muziq and hates it. Frankly, whenever playing around with it, I'm for to restrain my desire to laugh at its general ineptitude as a phone. I use the Mogul, which though more expensive, is worth it. It has its issues to be sure, but from what Sprint currently offers, it is one of the only worthwhile, functional phones. The 8830 World is nice too, but the inferior keyboard and lack of a camera make it a somewhat less appealing choice.</p>