New St. Francis church building

<p>They were really hoping it would be ready before the fall semester, but I have heard nothing and cannot find anything about it online. I was really hoping to go to Mass in the new church after move-in, but it doesn’t look like it will happen.</p>

<p>Any of you folks (Catholic or otherwise) know what’s going on with it?</p>

<p>Good question. I was there a week ago, and from the outside, it looks like the new church is nearly finished. </p>

<p>Now, Slippy, if you go there and Saban is at the same Mass, behave!</p>

<p>10am on Sundays is the Coach’s Mass! Not sure DD is going to be able to swing such an “early” Mass…I think the Sunday evening Mass is going to be her thing. I know they were trying to get the new church ready by move-in. Nothing about it in the St. Francis newsletter we just received or in DD’s welcome to St. Francis packet.</p>

<p>I don’t know a thing about it, but if my DD gets to Mass at ANY time I’ll be impressed. Of course after 12 years of Catholic school, maybe something will have stuck, she’ll be there every week, and I’ll eat my words.</p>

<p>When we were there for orientation a couple of weeks ago they told us it would be ready for Mass at the end of the first week of classes, but not in time for move-in weekend, unfortunately.</p>

<p>10am on Sundays is the Coach’s Mass</p>

<p>I think you mean 9am. There isn’t a 10am, and Saban goes to 9am.</p>

<p>I have seen a number of students at that Mass, but I think students usually go to the Sunday eve Mass…which begins again when school starts.</p>

<p>Yes, yes. You are correct. Makes it even less likely DD will be there!</p>


<p>Maybe if you tell her that some of the players attend the evening Mass, she’ll make an appearance. lol</p>

<p>On Sunday morning, the wife and I went to St. Francis expecting to attend Mass in the old building. To our surprise, there was a sign on the door saying Mass was being held in the new sanctuary. It is absolutely beautiful. About three times larger than the old one. Still not finished (no tabernacle, no crucifix), but what an immensely enriched worship experience. </p>

<p>(Of course, as we were driving away, we noticed that you could fit the entire new church building inside the Baptist church on campus, and still have room to park some cars.)</p>

<p>So glad to hear it, slippy. We arrived Sunday evening, so attended our last home parish mass as a family for a long time. Can’t wait for Parents Weekend to see the new church.</p>

<p>*Still not finished (no tabernacle, no crucifix), but what an immensely enriched worship experience. *</p>

<p>I’ve heard that they’re waiting for some things to arrive from Italy. </p>

<p>For being a University parish (with a much larger parish a few miles away), I’ve been impressed that they were able to raise as much money as they did to build this new church along with funding Phase II which will turn the old church into a new, larger Student Center (the Nick Saban Catholic Student Center). </p>

<p>I was in B’ham on Sunday for son’s White Coat ceremony, so I didn’t get to see the inside of the new church. However, the B’ham church, Our Lady of Sorrows (actually it may be in Homewood) was very beautiful. The stained glass was amazing.</p>

<p>We attended 9:00 Mass in the the new church this weekend. It is beautiful and looks very functional. Fr. Holloway started his homily explaining that the Tabernacle and Crucifix (still being chiseled) are in Rome and the baptismal font is in China.</p>

<p>It looks complete but still needs decorations. The vestibule is very large and empty so I am guessing there will be things in that area as well.</p>

<p>The Mass was very well attended and looked comfortably full even though it is significantly larger than the old church.</p>

<p>I was at 9:00 as well. My son went to 7:00 on Sunday night. Said it was well attended despite some WOW function at the coliseum.</p>

<p>Husband and son went on Sunday, and really liked the new church as well.</p>

<p>We were also at 9 am, DS knew it would be in the new church but it was a surprise to me!
A great way to start our last day together.</p>