New Student Gateway Website

<p>I still receive the error:</p>

<p>"The Undergraduate College Newstudent Website is used for orientation registration and first quarter enrollment information.
You must have accepted your admission to UCSD in order to use this site.</p>

<p>Please refer to the UCSD myApplication website regarding your admission status to UCSD. If you receive this error after your acceptance of admission to UCSD, please contact your Undergraduate College.</p>

<p>College Contact Information:
Revelle: (858) 534-1575
Muir: (858) 534-3580
Marshall: (858) 534-4110
Warren: (858) 534-4350
Roosevelt: (858) 534-9864
Sixth: (858) 822-5955"</p>

<p>Has anyone's started working yet or do we have to call?</p>

<p>what is the link?</p>

<p>yeah i got the same thing still...i don't think we'll be able to access it until we receive our packet in the mail about orientation and registration dates (which we'll receive in about a week)</p>

<p>until then, don't worry about it</p>