<p>I still receive the error:</p>
<p>"The Undergraduate College Newstudent Website is used for orientation registration and first quarter enrollment information.
You must have accepted your admission to UCSD in order to use this site.</p>
<p>Please refer to the UCSD myApplication website regarding your admission status to UCSD. If you receive this error after your acceptance of admission to UCSD, please contact your Undergraduate College.</p>
<p>College Contact Information:
Revelle: (858) 534-1575
Muir: (858) 534-3580
Marshall: (858) 534-4110
Warren: (858) 534-4350
Roosevelt: (858) 534-9864
Sixth: (858) 822-5955"</p>
<p>Has anyone's started working yet or do we have to call?</p>