You don’t need to take precalculus in summer school, ending 12th grade with honors precalculus is fine as long as you get a high grade in it and are in honors (which will depend on your making a high grade in your current math class). Focus on that.
Precalculus is very complex and if you don’t find your current class easy, the compressed format (1 year of math compressed into 6 weeks!) is unlikely to work. You’re better off taking HPrecalc during 12th grade and doing well.
During summer school, you can take an extra English or Social Science class, plus a CS class, so that next year you can take AP CS, AP or honors social science, AP English Language, plus Physics or Honors physics and if you can a foreign language and art (choir, band, etc.)
Is the SAT exam hard? Im from a different country so my math is dofferent from here but some stuff are the same. My friends said they ask you things that you havent learned too, is it true?
Can I get tips and advice for the SAt and ACT?
SAT math is doable if you know basic math, combination/permutation, trigonometry, etc.
SAT math is hard because 1° the way the question is worded is very tricky when English is not your first language 2° yo have to go very quickly.
However the content itself is not difficult. Achieving both speed and accuracy is.
Were you placed in the 12th or the 11th grade?
If you were placed in the 12th grade, it was a huge disservice to you - can you be switched to 11th grade, so you have time to master English, THEN tackle the college process?
No Im in 11th grade
Im going to take the PSAT exam this wednesday, Oct.13