<p>ACT:35 (34,33,36,36: 11 on essay)
SAT: 780M 760 CR 660W (kill me on the writing), 10 on essay---retaking this June
SAT II: Math II-800 Biology M-780
Most likely NMSF (225 on the PSAT in IL)</p>
<p>Top ten percent GPA
Gigantic Upward Trend
I got raped by a C+ in Spanish II Honors first semester freshman year
GPA (approx). 3.7 (only 3 A's frosh year, straight A's save for one B sophomore year) schedule for jr year looks as though at most 2 B's all school year (including both semesters)</p>
<p>Taking actual college classes at Northwestern University this summer (Psych 101)</p>
<p>EC's: 3rd Place at United States Karate Federation National Championship Tournament (hook?)
Scholastic Bowl (Captain)
Model UN (Various Awards)
Snowflake (Very important leadership program for H.S. to teach middle schooler about drugs/alchol)
Library volunteering (throughout the summer)
PE Leader (im pretty sure this doesnt count but what the heck...)
Math Team (went to State Championship freshman year)</p>
<p>I know my peer rec will be phenomenal because I plan on giving it to my friends who I baiscally tutored through PreCalc last year</p>
Ap classes taken/taking: AP Chem(5), AP USH (5), AP Biology, AP European History, AP Calculus BC
AP classes sr year: AP Lang, AP Lit, AP Physics C E, AP Physics C M, AP Spanish, AP Macroecon, AP Microecon</p>
<p>also will have taken Multivariable Calc</p>
<p>School is very affluent and sends most of top 5% class to ivies or comparable schools</p>
<p>ED chances?</p>
<p>you’re in the running, of course. But no one here on cc can make any promises, as you well know.
It sounds like your transcript won’t help you that much, since you have fewer A’s on it than a lot of other applicants</p>
<p>My best advice to you is to start getting a sizeable list of colleges together other than Dartmouth. You can and should definitely apply ED if it’s your first choice, but please please find some other schools you really like so that if Dartmouth doesn’t work out, you won’t be heartbroken…</p>
<p>Your transcript is fine. Your course load, scores, and ECs are also fine. You are a viable candidate at D and any other top school. I’m fairly sure that an upward trend with that kind of rigor matters more than a solitary C+ one semester back in freshman year, especially when you continued on in that subject through the AP level.</p>
<p>The question is, what can you do to distinguish yourself from the herd of other BWRKs with similar stats and similar coursework? Third place at a national sports tournament is great, but it is not a hook unless you are a recruited athlete or someone like an Olympian. <em>Could</em> you be an Olympian in the next few years? (Sorry, I know nothing about your sport and how it is organized.) I would look into the level of interest of top schools in your sport, and if they have teams definitely contact coaches. Check out the athletic admissions forum here on CC for more advice from seasoned parents and others. There’s nothing wrong with applying ED if it is your clear first choice, but do develop a reasonably balanced list as a backup.</p>
<p>Eh, I think GPA will hurt you a bit, but everyone knows the importance of an upward trend. As already stated, look at the athletic admission board for more advice on getting recruited, which could make you stand a wicked chance.
I am also planning to apply coming up, and I am nothing compared to you. Goodluck sir!</p>