<p>This is a site created by me, a UGA student. It is in no way affiliated with the University of Georgia; however, it is a site created to help other students like you, future or current students. I hope the site is useful to you. This is the first place where I'm posting it. This is the key component of ugabulletin.com -- UGA</a> Bulletin - Index</p>
<p>As more and more people know of the site, it will hopefully get more popular. Again, this is not the same thing as bulletin.uga.edu.</p>
<p>Of course, it tends to stick to the “official” views on a lot of things, but it’s pretty complete and worthwhile for new students to take a look at.</p>
<p>It will take some time for UGA students to realize about the (hopefully to-be) helpful forums at [UGA</a> Bulletin - Index](<a href=“http://ugabulletin.com/forums]UGA”>http://ugabulletin.com/forums). At this time, I’m just trying to adjust some things here and there, but I hope to get a good amount of frequent posters by August, at the latest September so feel free to check now or come back later when there are more people signed up. Only way prospective or current students will use it is if they see a good amount of people already using the forums; thus, this is the hardest part at the moment. I assume it will get easier once it becomes more active.</p>