Newbie in Fall 2015- Need a laptop?

How necessary is it to own a laptop vs using the Univ provided computer centers ? The convenience factor is obvious. But how convenient and available are the PCs? Would you think the forced quiet atmosphere of the comp labs are better trade- off that give a more disciplined environment than if I had the convenience of owning a laptop and working in my dorm. Are dorms “too sociable” and subject myself to all the tempting distractions that are natural to a dorm social life?

The computer labs are actually very good and have the full suite of software you will need for most majors. You’re still going to want a laptop or desktop for when you are in your dorm though. When there’s 6 inches of snow on the ground and it’s midnight, you don’t want to have to walk to a computer lab to study powerpoint slides haha. Plus you can get a decent laptop for <$400 now a days. I don’t know a single person who doesn’t have either a laptop or desktop with them.

Regarding dorms in general, the atmosphere really depends on the specific year and dorm you are in, but in general you are going to have to learn to deal with how social an atmosphere there is at college. When you need to get work done, you have to have the responsibility and self control to do it instead of hanging out with your friends. Having a laptop or not isn’t really going to make that any easier.