<p>Well, I noticed how far down on the thread list this thread had gotten, and I was tempted to leave it alone and let it sink into obscurity (as it has become something more resembling an unjustified attack on me by a few people), but I couldn't let myself go without addressing two things:</p>
<li><p>sempiturn555: I am not being arrogant; I am being slightly tongue-in-cheek, if anything. My comment about feeling "demeaned by busywork" stemmed from the fact that winter break starts today for my school, and almost all we have done is busywork. I apologize once again - I should have clarified.</p></li>
<li><p>pebbles: Without having been to my school, having met my teachers/principal/etc., or talking to students here, how would you know if I (or my principal and teachers) were "continually put[ting] down the achievements of other students" here? For one thing, I'm not. My suburb is rundown and many students let that affect them negatively; those who do go to college typically end up at in-state schools for two reasons. One, the stereotype that students from my school don't amount to anything in life (and it is prevalent around the area) has contributed to an atmosphere in which college, if it is presented by the guidance department as a viable option, is limited to in-state schools - one of my guidance counselors made the comment last year that she didn't feel like helping a student apply to college because students from our district (to summarize) didn't belong there. Two, they just don't apply themselves, because people around here focus on the bad things about our district rather than the good things and because they know they can get into community college no matter what. I am currently working on a service project to help combat this, as I hope to help more people at my school understand the college admissions process (most people don't, by any means). I'm hardly an arrogant person. Two of the teachers who wrote my recommendations are retiring at the end of the year, and they feel proud for having helped me get where I am now before they leave. My principal, who is new this year, has been trying to get students here to ignore the stereotypes about us and to focus on their futures; in a way, she has hoped I could be a role model (although I wouldn't want to be considered such), and that's why she announced my acceptance.</p></li>
<p>I don't think it's particularly fair to criticize my teachers and principal for congratulating me in the hopes that it might have a positive effect on school morale (which it has), or to criticize me for being inconsiderate when I am (1) only telling people what happened at my school, not "gauging my own happiness on the reactions of others" [suggesting this, to me, seems equivalent to suggesting that I am shallow and interested in Yale solely for its prestige] and (2) going out of my way (see above) to apologize immediately if I thought I even slightly offended someone. I didn't realize that was inconsiderate.</p>
<p>If I had labeled my thread "EA Admittance: Special Cases," "EA Admittance in Low-Performing Schools," or "If your EA acceptance meant as much to your community as it did to you...," would you have considered it arrogant and inconsiderate? I don't see how telling people about my school's excitement and asking others if they had similar experiences qualifies as either of those two adjectives. Further, those who read my very first post on this board (from what I can tell) took this message in the way it was intended. Still further, I share newt's sympathy for those who didn't make it in, and I have said that on numerous occasions.</p>
<p>I apologize for my verbosity, which may or may not have sounded like a rant. I simply don't like it when, after apologizing repeatedly for something that wasn't malicious or condescending anyway, I am still called egotistical and rude. Nothing could be further from the truth. I don't like to make waves, and this is not how I intended to spend this time on CC...being attacked like this (even if it is in a polite, back-handed compliment sort of way) makes me want to leave.</p>